Tongue in cheek you might think but this really happened as reported by
Rod Liddle in the Times on Sunday. Under the rules allowing public
petitions to be submitted to Parliament, one was submitted demanding the
change of name for a toothbrush to be called a 'teethbrush' on the
grounds that toothbrush might give an erroneous impression that it was
intended to be used on only one tooth. I kid you not. And MP's had to
give it the time of day.... at a time when they hardly have any spare
time of day to squabble about anything other than brexit. No wonder the
poor devils are complaining of overwork, stressed related complaints,
over drinking, you name it.
Anyway they managed to scrabble together a rejection decision for the
toothbrush petition on the grounds that it was not a matter for which
Parliament had responsibility. So they are still making decisions.
Amazing, comforting for the country to know the wheels are still turning
but how must foreigners chuckle at the mess 'grande bretagne' appears
to be in these days.
Why not petition about a bath brush, on the grounds that it might give an impression that its use is restricted to bathing:)
Have a good week.
Toon Tuesday
3 hours ago
We have a mess over here across the pond, too, Ronnie, so no judgement coming from me on your brexit stuff! I don't have a bath brush and I'm afraid to purchase one as it will be used for what you have implied here.... ha! Funny stuff! Hugs, Windy
Hi Ronnie,
Good grief, what next?! LoL your politicians certainly have enough to deal with. As for bath brushes, we have one but thankfully it can't be used as a spanking implement as the brush is not attached to the handle securely enough.
Ronnie, don't worry. Our country also has quite a scandal going at the moment.
We foreigners are shaking our heads over a country with a much bigger problem than renaming articles for grooming.
Why, that submission to Parliament is almost as silly as someone calling the trunk of a car a "boot." Everyone knows you wear boots on your foot!
Hugs Across the Pond,
Politicians are a breed apart aren't they? It doesn't seem to make a difference what country they represent. Of course over here, it too awful to even think about - I think a toothbrush issue wouldn't be such a bad thing, better than the horrible stuff happening.
Hi Ronnie, :) Well, I guess that crazy exists everywhere! Who goes around and thinks up these things??? A "teethbrush"???? Seriously?? LOL! Were they laughing in parliament? Or just annoyed? WOW!! Well, good to know things are getting attention, as you say...
Oh the bath brush!! Never had one, never will! HAHA!
It's equally embarrassing/nuts around here, so no worries there! Many hugs,
❤️Katie xoxo
Oh yeah!! ... I vote for the bath brush restriction! ... lol ... I also think whoever brought the time wasting petition forward should embarassed in the press for wasting government time and public money ... regardless of the shenanigans, enjoy the rest of your week, Ronnie! ... nj ...xx
Oh, whatever next! Maybe it gave the MPs a bit of light relief, god only knows they could do with it.
No bath brush in the Joneses’ residence, thank goodness!
Rosie xx
That's such a waste of time, but it is what it is these days.
Windy - I'd definitely pass on a bath brush if I was you. We have one but thankfully doesn't come out to play anymore. Thanks.
Roz - They are still at it, goodness knows when we will know if we are leaving, or not leaving or having another peoples vote. Thanks.
Hermione - We have more problems here as well but if a petition gets so many votes it has to go to Parliament. I like to know who the person was. Thanks,
Ella - LOL yep we call our car boot a boot. Never thought of that. Thanks.
SG - As Rosie said maybe a bit of light relief for our politicians to discuss something else other than Brexit. Thanks.
❤️Katie - A teethbrush just doesn't sound right, does it:) Never say never:) Thanks.
Nora Jean - We have a lot of petitions that go forward for our Government to vote on and many are such a waste of time. Thanks.
Rosie - They needs there minds on only one thing to get it all sorted. Thanks.
Baker - Too right but they have to do it. Thanks,
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