Not a big cat or a polar bear or anything like that but nonetheless something to keep an eye on. I told P to keep an eye on it too and it
got me spanked but I shall still be keeping an eye on it, both actually.
You see the predator (I should say potential predator) is a relatively
new neighbour, she lives across the road not far away. She's a way too
early widow, old enough to be a grandmom but fit enough to be very
attractive which she is and really nice. I've got to know her a bit but P
never has really, apart from passing the time of day and helping her
fix something on her car once. Then on Saturday, which was really warm
here, we decided to barbecue outside on the evening, just the two of us,
simple stuff. In the afternoon P came inside and told me he'd been
chatting with said neighbour, I'll call her Pippa but that's not her
real name, and I thought 'that's unusual' but let it pass, and then he
said he'd asked her to join us later and share our barbecue. I said 'Oh
great' in a bright and breezy away as you do when you're really
thinking something else.
So I went a bit quiet and thought about it then asked him how come he'd
asked her over and he said she came across while he was cleaning his car
and started chatting and he'd asked her casually what she was doing
later, she always seems to be driving in and out, but she wasn't doing
anything and he just said on the spur of the moment, why not join us for
a barbecue if you like, nothing fancy just simple stuff and a couple of
beers. He said she looked pleased and said yes right away so that was
that. I thought my husband looked a bit pleased too. Hmm.
Well it all went very nicely and I put better shorts on than I would
have normally, a good top too, and she brought a decent bottle of wine. P
had his usual desert island shorts on, I made him add a t-shirt. We had
an enjoyable evening she's good company, there was one point when
something triggered a memory which was a bit emotional for Pippa and P
tactfully went in to use the bathroom, when he came back the moment had
passed, girls sort those sort of things out better than men. We had a
few beers, went inside when it got chilly and dark, and had coffee and wine. We finished early, before eleven, and as Pippa walked
down the drive P called 'Your turn next'.
Back in the lounge, P said "Smart lady, I like her."
"Oh I could see that easy enough, P, and what do you mean by 'smart' do
you mean her clothes or her mind. Or is it both?" It probably wasn't fair. But hey a woman has to
protect her territory just in case.
My husband told me I was out of order and flicked the tv on, there was
some docu about Freddie Mercury on which he liked, I like Queen too but
went to bed after about ten minutes and left him to it. I didn't sleep
for ages replaying things that were said and trying to back-spot any
little telltale signs.
In the morning P took issue with me. He asked me what all the crap (his
word) had been about the previous night and what was my grievance and
just to come out and say plainly if I had something on my mind. I lied
that I didn't but he can read me too well and soon nudged a few
suspicions out of me and even a few virtual accusations which I'll admit
were a bit far fetched. Anyway without going into all that detail, I
got spanked. To put an end to any nonsense before it got rooted in, said
my husband.
He took me up to the office, we can just see her drive from the little
window in there, and made me bend over the desk looking out of the
window while he took my shorts down and paddled my backside. He used the
nearest implement which happened to be Bogey's paddle in the top
drawer, which I hate and he loves, and I told him he couldn't do it
there somebody might pass by and see me. He said then I'd better try and
keep a straight face so nobody would know what was happening back of
house, as he put it. He spanked me very hard and lectured me about being
a silly girl, he even asked me while he was spanking me if I could see
Pippa out on her front and if so maybe she'd look across and see me in
the window getting spanked. I just hissed through my teeth that she
wasn't out there in fact hardly anybody was thank goodness, just a dog
walker went by.
When he'd done, he told me he didn't want to hear any such nonsense
again so I better buck my ideas up. Then he said he was going for a
shower and as it was going to be a cracker of a day again and there were
no shops open it being Easter Sunday, he'd be going for a walk on the
Chase later and if I'd like to go with him I'd be welcome and maybe we'd
stop and have a beer and a snack in one of the pubs. I felt like asking
if Pippa would be coming but thought better of it. He left me to cool
off, bare bottomed over the office desk.
The day got better and we did have lunch out but there's still a little red flag waving in my mind, well maybe a yellow one.
Have a fun weekend.
Kuching - The Foto Dump
9 hours ago
Ronnie, I understand that yellow flag; I would have concerns too, as I am really quite jealous of anything like that, even though there is obviously nothing going on.
But you know that P loves you and isn't looking elsewhere, and the best way to keep her in line is to be friendly. If she comes and goes often, perhaps she has someone she is interested in, and you can soon be a foursome for dinner.
Obviously you have nothing to worry about, but that doesn't mean she won't try. Women see this potential danger way faster than men do. You were probably good to let P know your concerns. While he knows its silly it will still be in his mind in future dealings with her.
I like both answers above. And if you are in the mood for a spanking and P doesn't notice, then all you have to do is ask, "And how's Pippa these days?" That ought to do the trick.
Last summer in London, I saw Othello at the Globe, and there is such a well known quote from Iago. I will change only one word here. "O! beware, my friend, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on."
Hugs Across the Pond,
Hi Ronnie,
I agree with the others.I can understand the yellow flag and I too think it is good you shared your concerns with P. Besides, it got you a spanking:)
In the past, the shoe has been in the other foot in this household ... Frank used to have a bad case of green eyes ... that has changed over the years, thankfully ... all of which means I know where P is coming from ... but hey, like Ella says, you've now got a spanking ace in your back pocket ;)) ... hugs ... nj
Yellow flag indeed. Keep your eye on her..... and do tell P when you're uncomfortable with something he has said ..... even if it gets you spanked. And perhaps there should be an agreement between you and P first before he offers an invitation to her again. I would be furious if Storm did that without asking me for many reason.... I trust him like you do P, but I would use my words, too! Hugs, Windy
Why do women do that?? why don't we support each other and lift each other up?? why why why do some women feel the need to flutter their eyelashes (as diplomatic as I can be) at someone else's love???
Sounds like you need another red bottom to replace that red flag :D
Sounds like a yellow flag situation to me also....and if you ever feel the neglected in the spanking know what name to mention...hugs abby
Men so often don’t read the radar in these situations do they? Definitely keep that yellow flag flying, Ronnie!
Rosie xx
Hermione - I am surprised she isn't with someone as she is attractive and nice. Thanks
PK - She's a nice lady but I shall be keeping a close eye on her. Thanks.
Ella - I love you sharing quotes, I don't know that one. I think she'll be getting me spanked again. Thanks.
Roz - I'll be mentioning it again no doubt. Thanks.
Nora Jean - I'll use it if I have to:) Thanks.
Windy - I don't think he'll be inviting her over again without asking me first. Thanks.
Mornngstar - Beats me. I would never do it. Thanks.
QBuzz - I'm sure I'll get one. Thanks.
Abby - And I'll be using it:) Thanks.
Rosie - They certainly don't lag is flying. Thanks.
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