Then I wondered if toned glutes attracted spankings, which could be a motivator or not. So I googled toned glutes, not because I really expected to get to the bottom (no pun intended) of these ridiculous thoughts just because I'd got glutes on my mind.
Needless to say it produced endless results but as I also had exercise on my mind I grabbed the following -

So this is how we all want to look, right? Well no matter how much exercise I do I'll never get a butt like this.

The article I was reading went on to talk about glutes minimus and maximus, piriformis, quadriceps femosis .... dah dah dah...which nearly sent me to sleep. Then I found something that woke me up......

Ooh all that glistening sweat, rippling muscle pushing, shoving.....excuse me I feel faint
Faint! You feel Faint! Golly gosh girl, that is one hot picture.
Hugs, Jay
Such a trooper....doing all that research on all our Thank you lovely one (passes you the smelling salts).
love and hugs xxx
Geesh. It's bad enough that I have to sea man's butt today on my own blog (not that there's anything wrong with that?, but now i have to see one here as well?
What is this world coming to?
You ladies really need to forget that men even have butts before the Tiggr disease starts "striking" everyone and I am inundated with nasty messages from all your husbands/boyfriends accusing me of having something to do with their sore butts. (That didn't come out right, did it?)
Love the pix, and got a kick out of your google reserach. It's such a verb in our language that didn't exist before - "I Googled the 'insert topic here'."
Of course, watching a Nascar race this weekend I just laughed out loud when the commentators were mentioning one of the sponsors,, and dropped the K in their pronunciation of the website. I'm positive that looking for yields very different results than looking for ;)
Ooooh, I LOVE the pic! Gives me all kinds of wild ideas. Party anyone?
Jay - thanks, I do love this picture.
M:e - I do try and help you all out you know.
Dante - hi, nice to see you, hope your feeling better. That certainly didn't come out right. I loved your last post.
Tapestry - what did we do when we didn't have google, so much information, though sometimes too much. - googled it and its a site for xxxrated movies.
Tiggs - hello you, nice to see you bounced over, are you feeling OK now? Party, anytime, just give me the address.
Thanks all, loved your comments.
All I can say iz WOW! & YUM!!
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