I think there's trouble brewing. We've still got quite a bit of post, messages and ongoing business to pick up on, plus P's been talking with our accountant who wants to file last year's accounts well before Jan 31 deadline so they need to be finalised. With so much to do I was surprised when he asked me how the blog was going, he hadn't had chance to take a look at it for ages, he pulled it up on his laptop and smiled as he speed read the last entry. Then he noticed 'wet spanking' in the archive, that sounds interesting he said, I'll take a look later.
No no no, no need, its boring, I sent thought messages to him, wondering if I should delete it before he got chance to see it. It's the one where I posted a photo of me, which he'd told me not to but I'd still done it (with the face blotted out). The one I thought might get me closed down or cause the 'p' word to surface again.
Well I can handle the 'p' word, I told you about it before Christmas, if punishment weaves its way more frequently into our relationship I can handle it, even embrace it, I'm a big girl and it was kind of sexy that last time. But I can't handle being shut down, that would be suitcases at dawn, separate rooms, new laptop yes that's an idea I'd go out and get one of those dinky little 10'' screen ones I could tuck it into my handbag:). Anyway he hasn't looked yet, might even forget. We'll see.......
Hi Ronnie:
I am so glad that your business is still busy and going well for you both. I hope it continues to do so. I am hoping and praying that he forgets about the wet spanking post, or he enjoys it when he reads it.
I also had trouble with Daisy's blog because of her Privacy Adult content page. I was able to fix it by adding the following text at the end of her address: /atom.xml then re-save your blogroll list.
If this doesn't make sense visit Spanky's Blog and he has a Hints Frum Spot section on his Left side bar and he can explain it better. Let me know if it helps. I've been thinking about making a business card (from your previous post) I'll keep you posted.
Take care,
Andrades Girl
Hi Ronnie, I like your blog,thanks for the comments on mine :)
Hello Andrades, I hope he forgets as well (he told me not to post the picture)but elephants never forget not that P is an elephant but you know what I mean.
Excellent Andrades, thank you. Will let you know.
Lil Miss Naughty, hello, your welcome anytime here. Thanks for stopping by.
Do whatever you have to do keep your blog. Take that post down; tell him you are sorry and that you won't do it again. But the ability to write your feelings and talk with other woman and men that understand TTWD is priceless. Please don't go away.
If you ever see free time in your future I would love to get you to write a Fantasy Friday for us. Please email me sometime.
PS. that was me above, I'll learn how to type sometime.
Dear PK hello, always nice to see you here. Thank you for your lovely comment.
Just posted before I read this (please take a look if you have time). Well see what happens.
I would love to do a FF as soon as we are a little less busy at work.
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