So what's this got to do with telephone boxes you ask?Well it was taken from one of those lovely old British red telephone boxes, along with lots of other buisness cards from girls advertising various.. er.. stress relief services.
The phone boxes are almost non existent these days, being replaced with modern plastic bubbles and mobiles of course, but I found an article which showed loads of different cards which had been taken from the old boxes, I just chose a few of them.

Apparently contact cleaning staff and repair men used to turn a blind eye to the cards, which were taped or blu-tacked to the wooden board which the payphone was mounted on.
Here's a selection of them below:-

I showed the card I made to P, he laughed. ''They're supposed to pay you, not you pay them,'' he said.
Oh dear, I wouldn't make much money. But then there's the job satisfaction............
A brilliant idea Ronnie but I don't think Paul would like it too much if I did that. Maybe I could make up one for him and leave it in the phoneboxes where he lives?
Hugs, Jay
Oh, I love your card! Job satisfaction and a tender, pink bottom are both priceless! Or maybe I should say - one can never pay too much for that...
Thanks for stopping by at my site. I'm thrilled to have found yours!
I just LOVE your blog. It's hysterical.And I love your card. What is a gymslip? Now what would I put on my card hmmmmm......
I'm so glad it's Friday, have a great weekend Ronnie. P is one lucky man.
Take care,
Andrades Girl
How cool!! I don't think I have ever seen a card like that over here. We are so dull! I love the card you made for yourself.
Job satisfaction is so important! I love your card. Hmmmmm... a card. What would I put on mine?
I do enjoy your writing!
Hi all, thanks, I would love to post what you would put on a card, if you have time why not please do one for me.
Jay - I could imagine what you would put for Paul. Thanks for stopping by.
Radha - nice to see you here Radha, thank you. Hope the Cranberry helps. Some people avoid dairy products.
Andrades - thank you, you say the nicest things. Gymslip is what girls wear at some schools when doing gym or sometimes other sports, its usually a short practical skirt just covering bottom or sometimes a short dress again just covering bottom. Many schools now the girls wear shorts same as the boys, you can guess which the boys prefer:)
PK - Its how the working girls used to advertise their business, they appeared in all most every phonebox in the UK. More so in London. You wouldn't believe how many of them there were, quite an assortment of services.
Ronnie, I wouldn't dare do a card; Davey would make sure I didn't sit for weeks.....
I'm on it....
Hugs, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for stopping by Daisy. Would love to hear why your neighbours have a naughty photo of you.
I like that job satisfaction factor too. *grins*
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