Prior to Dec 2008 I could count on one hand the number of times I've been actually punished.
Once when I pretended to leave, it was a really stupid thing.
Once at home/office on a barbecue weekend.
Once when son started university.
Once on a New Years Eve which I wrote about recently.
Once in Gambia on holiday with friends (this was 50/50).
Spread over 20 plus years, that's about one every five years, all other spankings (and goodness knows there have been many) being labelled and packaged to suit the time, mood, place etc but all containing a pleasure aspect even when they've been hard. Punishment, without getting too bogged down here, is different in as much that it's spontaneous, there's no expectancy nor delivery of pleasure, it hurts differently physically and emotionally and it is inevitable.
That was until Dec 2008 when I definitely got punished, in connection with my blog. I posted about it to you guys, got quite agitated, pondered, almost brought up with P, prevaricated, mellowed, decided to run with it as it was in its own way, afterwards, quite thrilling and there was a definite intuition there could be more to come. Well it's only a few weeks later and I think............ there's definitely trouble brewing
It's late afternoon and he's seen my 'wet spanking' post. shit shit shit.....why didn't I delete it, then again why should I, I did use the editor to blot out my face and the story was all true so what's the harm.
That's not the point at all, he said, those images can be unravelled, something about removing the layers and restoring the original image, he'd do it and prove his point. What?? so I've been uncovered? you guys know who I am? I mean I honestly wouldn't mind except business and family.... well... I think perhaps not.
I'm sorry P, I didn't realise that could be done, please know that.
I'm sure he does know that but he said he's going to show me tomorrow how easy it is, and then I'll realise how foolish I've been, he'll deal with the matter appropriately, after which he'll have me remove my photo and that will be an end to it.
Wow! there was no mention of shutting me down. I think he's being very good about it, I hope I haven't compromised us in any way I would never do that, I think I'll deserve the 'p' word if that's what happens. I'm remorseful. Apprehensive. Excited. And grateful for having a husband who hasn't just gone through the roof.
PS - No it isn't me.
I sound to me like you have a great husband. All this on your site and the writing of several of my other friends really has a post stirring in my head. I hope I get the time to write it soon. I have a feeling if I can get it down and straightened out in my mind I might really learn something.
Hi Ronnie:
I am so glad he's not shutting you down. I would miss you lots and lots. It seems like you have a fantastic relationship. Why don't you just change the picture to a generic swimming pool pic?
Sending you lot's of hugs
Take care,
Andrades Girl
Andrades Girl
Hi PK, thanks, he surely is, one of the best.
You have me intrigued about your next post, will pop over when I can.
Your really kind to say so Andrades. thank you. I am very happy to have found you.
P was going to show me today how to remove the layers from my face but had to go out with a client. So we will see later tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for your support.
I didn't know that about images either Ronnie. I guess that I"m mighty glad now that I've never published an image of myself anywhere public.
Yay for you that blogging isn't off the menu. Blessings to you!!
Ronnie, while I would never think to post a picture, I do deal with my husband having a different sense of what is private and what is not. I have to remember to keep his boundaries in mind as I blog, because I inadvertently trip over them sometimes. When I am not sure how he will feel about something, I have resorted to asking before posting. 99.9% of the time, that has worked for me. And "unravelling"...had no clue!
Welcome Shannee,thanks for stopping by.
I didn't either Shannee but P said they can remove the covering on the faces and see who they really are.
Should not have posted but I really thought it was OK, I would never do anything to compromise us.
But all well that ends well.
Just posted.
Love to you.
Sara hello, lovely to see you here, thanks for your comment.
P knows I write,rarely reads it but is very supportive.
He did tell me not to post the picture but still I went ahead. Apparently, the cover over faces can be removed (unravelled) and face will be exposed. I didn't know that.
I have just posted - all's well. He is happy for me to continue and even says he is OK if I want to post a picture but NO faces images even if I have disguised it.
If I may I am going to take a leaf out of your book - if I am not certain how he would feel about something I am going to post, I will speak with him. Thank you for that.
I always appreciate you stopping by Sara.
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