We were out last night, eating the best steak in town. Again. We used the 40% off food voucher we got last week. Steak's good for you right? No? Ah cholesterol, right, okay so the weather's getting nicer and I'll be resuming my jogging if my knee allows it and that'll burn off the cholesterol. What's that you say, cholesterol doesn't burn off? Hmm, okay so I'll stop having cholesterol tests.
This was general banter between myself and P, who was in a particularly good mood because he's come up with a plan to hold some interviews in China, for a specialist niche, he wanted to get around 10 candidates on board and was going to take a client friend with him, but the plan has grown, our Chinese counterparts liked the idea a lot so P said why not expand it to 20 or more over a couple of days and invite some UK employers to attend, so it looks like it'll be on for late May. Good thing is, I'm in the frame too now, as long as I can cover my own work so we'll see how it goes.
Why the cholesterol banter? I did have a test a few weeks back coupled with a blood test, routine, and the cholesterol was 5.7 which the nurse said was high, I've since googled it and found it's just a bit over average so not alarming at all (why didn't the nurse tell me that). P tells me I need to reduce red meat, dairy produce, wine (wine?), biscuits, in fact any time he feels like I need to show restraint he mentions cholesterol even if it's not relevant. I'm not actually a big meat eater at all and I don't order a big steak, just a sooooo nice small one, rump of course. P loves a nice rump :)
Chat turned to China, I reminded him of the last time we went and overheard a spanking in the hotel, I also remembered the call girl who made a move on him when he was at the hotel bar, yep he definitely needs me along. ''Who else are you going to spank after a stressful day's interviewing?'' I joked. ''Good point,'' he agreed. Well that was easy, or am I reading too much into a fun comment. I'll work on it, I can be quite wily and persistent when I want something, which brings me on to wanting, no make that needing, a damn good spanking. I needed it last night but there was no chance and I need it even more this morning, in fact I'm going to try and tell him about it because our son's got a friend over for the weekend and I can't see any natural opportunities occurring.
We've currently got no issues between us so I can't envisage a punishment spanking (pity) so what's a girl to do, go without or try asking for it? I could try for a gg at the office but I know they bore P a bit so I reckon asking for it by playing my face is the best course of action, I'll do it just right enough to get what I need but not over the top enough to get me punished. Nobody'll get really mad, he'll be pleased to have corrected me, I'll get a sore backside but not ouchy can't sit down soreness, then he can make me give him a bj at the office. All worked out for the day ahead then, failing that looks like I'll be working in the morning. By which time my need will have increased.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
The trip to China sounds like fun! What a large group he has got together.
Too bad you don't have any privacy at the moment. The office sounds like the best bet.
Good luck!
Your plan sounds like a good one but you will have to walk that fine line - I know you can do it. I hope you can go to China because I want to hear all the stories!!
Have a good day,
Ronnie, you have a wonderfull weekend...ohhhhhh the things cholesterol can do to us...
love and hugs, Lessa
Ronnie: Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned. Hope he has the same thoughts.
And a trip to China sounds like the trip of a lifetime.
I can see a story where the Chinese have the rooms bugged and the two of you get called in by some Minister of Something to explain yourself. LOL.
Hermione - It will be a busy few days if all goes to plan and probably no time for sightseeing :(
PK - Weekend not turning out at all as I was hoping, oh well.
Lessa - Thanks. I've decided I'm not having any more cholesterol tests.
FD - This visit will be a different part of China.
Your suggestion would make a great story. We stayed in a hotel in Tallinn that was once owned by the KGB and P said I wonder if they still bug the rooms :)
Thanks all. Have a good weekend.
Walk a fine line? Of course our Ronnie can do that, with her eyes closed and hopping on one leg.... hahaha! xxxxxxxxxxx
An easy way to get cholesterol down:
Stir a teaspoon (two is even better) into your oatmeal in the morning. I went from worse than yours to really good in just over a month. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the oatmeal helps as well.
Daisy _ LOL, thanks, weekend didn't work out at all as I was planning but that usually the way isn't it.
LynLass - Hello and welcome. Thanks for this will have to try it. I really need to get it down a little.
Thanks both, hope you have a good week.
Lynlass - Don't leave us hanging! A teaspoon or two of what? I want to get my cholesterol down too.
Hermione, I re-read the comment from LynLass and emailed to ask. Will let you know when she gets back.
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