Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Extract I mentioned

You may remember me mentioning a reader had sent me a well written script about women coming during and after spankings and there was a section on the application of the cane which I liked. Here it is....

....A warming session with the hand is useful but not essential. A nicely warmed, red bottom takes the cane much better than a cold white, bottom; anyway it can be a highly pleasurable experience so why not.

So we are ready to go. Apply the light to medium whippy cane to the shapely red bottom with vigour. There is no hurry; take your time, let her bottom dance, let the angry red stripe appear. Let her savour the moment. Don't hesitate to feather run your fingers over the cheeks, feeling the tram lines. Let her know you can feel them and that you like them.

Once she has settled apply the next stroke, ideally a bit harder. Let her bottom bounce, writhe, tell her how beautifully her bottom is taking the cane. Let her know you are enjoying caning her. Let her know she deserves it, even if she does not. Let her juices flow, let her sexuality rise, hopefully on each stroke that much higher, striving towards that orgasm. Sometimes she will come openly; sometimes she will have a partial orgasm not fully aware of what has happened, sometimes she will not come at all, just be well caned and hot and smarting and perhaps tearful. Be sure to let her know your appreciation in all cases. She deserves it.

Stay safe.


My reader can't remember where she found the it, so please, if you have seen this before let me know so Ii can give cred x


Roz said...

Hi Ronnie, I so love this.I can't see myself being able to cum from a spanking, but definitely worth experimenting right? :)


Enzo said...

Ronnie - That extract is so on point! Couldn't agree more. That is described so beautifully.

morningstar said...

I have been caned by a few different 'spankers' - but there was this one man...... mmmm... he really appreciated the cane and taught me how to appreciate it too.... your description pretty much describes how he used the cane... it was delightful ...

Hermione said...

Such a lovely excerpt. Nice, slow caning would be quite pleasurable.


Anonymous said...

The thing that struck me most profoundly was how utterly strange this would sound if the gender dynamics were reversed. (try it yourself! LOL, Read this as if it was advice to a woman caning a man.) I have often maintained that there are only slight differences between M/f & F/m situations, but BOY is THIS one of them. LOL

PK said...

It's hard for me to appreciate a good caning story - but this is well written.

Terpsichore said...

almost makes me want to experience a caning...almost :-)
Hugs to you

ronnie said...

Roz - Oh definitly and I will again:) Thanks.

Enzo - I think so as well. Thanks.

Morningstar - The cane in the right hands can be sensuous, yes. You were lucky to have had a skilled caner. Thanks.

Hermione - They are. Thanks.

kdpierre - P often tells me that apart from a few mechanical details, as he puts it, we are basically the same, both sexes that is, we enjoy the same things in often the same way, sometimes a bit different emotionally but more or less when it boils down to it we are not so far apart.

PK - It depends on how them cana is used, doesn't always have to be harsh. Thanks.

Terps - Oh you should try it:) Thanks.


Fondles said...

By now you might already have a pretty idea how I feel about the cane, so this is right up my alley. beautifully written. Altho i don't think I'll ever have an orgasm during a session. After, tho, that's a definite possibility.

Anonymous said...

sounds delightful. hope you try again soon!
bottoms up

ronnie said...

Roz - A feather would be lovely. Good choice on leather. Thanks.

Morningstar - I think a flogger it will be but maybe after Christmas. Wow that knife sounds interesting. I hope you'll share a picture of it after Christmas. Thanks.

Sophie - Hairbrush a good one but not for me. We have one but hardly get's used. Thanks.

Hermione - Never thought of Etsy. How long is are the tails? Thanks.

kdpierre - I'm boring when it comes to booze. I like my red one. Not a fan of spirits. I do like a Brandy Alexander. Thanks.

Maxmi - I don't mind small but I think it would have to be leather. Thanks.

Anonymous - Another for the hairbrush. Are all your paddles the same shape? Thanks.

Prefectdt - Short tail whip, that would get your attention and ouch on your Rubber hell. Thanks.

Fondles - Now that's a good idea. We have some that haven't seen the light of day for a while. Thanks.

Minelle - Yes I can see that could be a problem but if it isn't large or a funny shape and addressed to you, shouldn't be a problem:) Thanks.
