As you know it was April Fool's Day on Monday so I decided it would be a
perfect day to spank my husband. Yes, you read that correctly and no,
I'm not going mad. Some of you may remember it was one of my new year
intentions to spank my husband; well I haven't been doing very well so
far. But, as you know, he spanked me recently over that Mothers Day
lunch business, wrongly too in my opinion, so I decided to bring the
matter up on Monday and spank him for it.
You see I haven't had the nerve to try and manipulate a real spanking
but I thought by suggesting it, with a perfectly fair reason, on April
1st I could easily back off and say it was all a joke, just an April
Fool's Day prank, if he exploded and started marching me to the bedroom.
Of course if he said, after consideration, that he agreed he deserved a
spanking....well, who knows!
Sneaky aren't I.
Anyway it didn't work out. I did approach him on Monday afternoon and
told him I thought he'd been somewhat out of order with my spanking and I told him I was going to spank him for it. Ha! The look on his
face! He asked me whose army was going to help me, then he said I
deserved another spanking for even suggesting something so preposterous,
in fact he thought he better get his cane out. Well that stopped me in
my tracks, I mean I haven't been caned for ages. But then I didn't know
how hard it would be, I couldn't quite judge whether he was truly
outraged or amused. I decided to play my trump card and said 'April
Fool! Only joking' and beamed a big smile.
'Well the joke's on you, my girl, because it's nearly 3pm and as I
recall from a kid, April Fools pranks are not valid after midday'. I
gulped. I seemed to remember that too.
Luckily for me he was taking all of this with good humour not anger but
he still took me upstairs and used his cane on me, not too hard but
enough to make a few stripes and a devious girl squeal. So I still have
it on my 'to do' list but goodness knows when I'll get the opportunity.
Have a fun weekend.
Friday, 5 April 2019
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Nice try, Ronnie ... lol! ... nj ... xx
That was a fun prank, Ronnie. I didn't think P would go along with it, but glad you got caned.
Nice try indeed Ronnie, I didn't think P would go for it either. It got you a nice spanking at least :)
You are intrepid - I'll give you that.
I never knew about the April Fool fact? Are you sure he was not pulling your leg?
"A" for effort, and an added bonus that you received a reasonable caning for your efforts. You might try some bet on who gets spanked, where the odds are in his favor, but you have maybe a 25% chance of winning. Maybe he rolls a pair of dice, and you only one die, and whoever has the highest point count spanks the other.
bottoms up
Haha I love that you ended up getting caned :D
I laughed so hard at P's answer of "whose army." It was a good idea to try it on April Fool's Day, you clever girl.
Sam and I had lots of quiet fun with Loopy Johnny and hotel sex on Monday come to think of it. No fooling!
Hugs Across the Pond,
I guess that was a win-win situation, Ronnie, you either got to spank P or got a bottom warming yourself!
Rosie xx
I never recalled there being a "time limit" as to when you could "April Fool" during the day. That was unfair on P's part.
Nora Jean - Thank you.
Hermione - I didn't think he would either. Thanks.
Roz - At least I got a spanking:) Thanks.
SG - LOL. No, I remembered it after. Thanks.
Red - That could be an idea. Thanks.
QBuzz - I loved that I got caned:) Thanks.
Ella - I love hotel sex. Happy you had a lovely time. Thanks.
Rosie - Definitely a win win situation. Thanks.
Charlie - I remembered after you couldn't do pranks after 12.00. So he was right. Thanks.
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