Words caused it of course. I can't acknowledge any other logical
explanation for what happened. You see my husband caned me, over his
knee with a short straight handled cane not one of those long public
school headmaster types which would have been impractical. He did it
because I'd had a crap week in a few ways and he thought I needed
cheering up. Not the way many would want to be 'cheered up' but it got
my attention at once. When he told me he was going to make me orgasm
too, I thought yeah yeah. Then I warmed to the idea. He said in a
relaxed and confident way and I kind of liked it even though there are
usually other reasons, manufactured or otherwise, for him to spank me.
Anyway to cut to the quick he had me upstairs in our office, laying
across his knees on the futon. He'd told me to wear my cotton summer
skirt (It is close fitting) and he didn't take it off or pull it up. It
was tight against my backside as his cane started its work and he was
talking to me softly but firmly about a few things which had happened
during the week. He paused from time to time to get my answers, he
insisted he wanted answers where appropriate. Through a cotton skirt and
knickers underneath, the cane wasn't too bad and the whole area of my
backside was becoming very warm, in a nice way. He asked me if I was
feeling sexy, I didn't answer until he prompted me and I admitted I was.
He rubbed the mounds of my rump with his hand, it felt good and I
responded by pushing up into it and then grinding against his thigh when
he took it away.
He retrieved his cane and laid it across my bottom, gently, caressingly.
He asked me if I wanted more, well of course I did and I squeaked and
wiggled but he also insisted I tell him so I said Yes. He told me a
woman of my experience needed more, that my bottom was made for the
cane, he could sense I needed it harder and didn't I agree? I squeaked
again and said Yes and he started shuffling my skirt up my thighs and
over my bottom to the small of my back. He adjusted my knickers to the
curves of my cheeks and resumed caning me, quite a different feeling
with the skirt gone and cool air around me. It was sharp but not really
hard like a full caning and he kept it going with a steady cadence
covering the whole area of my buttocks with stinging strokes and talking
to me all of the time, occasionally asking me if it was too hard or if I
was enjoying it and insisting I answered.
I let him know it wasn't too hard. And what about enjoying it? he asked.
I told him I was and he said he knew, he could tell from my breathing
and my increased body movements and the way my hand had reached back and
was squeezing his thigh. He told me he thought I needed it harder and
he did it without a reply this time. He said he could see from the way
my bottom was responding that I needed it harder still. This time he did
want a reply and I said Yes...I think I do.
"You don't think you do, you know you do. Don't you?"
"Yes I do, P, please, I need it harder."
"I'm going to give it you harder, my girl, but not until you're ready for it."
I was really wiggling by this time and trying to get as much traction
against his thigh as I could. He was still caning me, he hadn't
increased or decreased. Then he told me he was going to slide his left
hand under my tummy and feel between my legs so that he could better
assess my condition and state of 'readinesss' as he put it. I nearly
jumped out of my knickers just on those words. When he slid his hand
under I felt myself wet into my knicker gusset and I emitted a squeal.
He told me he recognised my symptoms and that I must have been having
naughty thoughts and he was definitely going to cane me harder and as he
started increasing the stokes my bottom started rising up to meet
"You're getting wet down there aren't you?" He asked as he slid a finger
under the flimsy garment and felt the slickness between my lips. I made
a throaty groan and pushed onto his hand. His cane came down harder. "I
asked you a question, answer me please," he demanded. I told him Yes.
"Naughty girl," he said. "I think you're going to have an orgasm over my
lap, and when it happens I'm going to cane you very hard for being so
naughty. I think you deserve it, don't you?" I answered him Yes. I knew
an orgasm was building and I did want it harder but more than anything I
think it was the thought of having it harder that got to me.
Finally his piece de resistance, which tipped me over the edge, he said,
"I think I'm going to have to take your knickers down and cane your
naughty little bottom so hard you cry out right when you're coming,
don't you?" I could hardly answer him at all I was exploding and just
cried "Do it!...Do it!"
He took his hand from between my legs and dragged my knickers down
quickly because he could see I'd started. The tidal wave rushed through
me as he was caning my bare bottom with me writhing and bucking under
its strokes. It was the hottest orgasm I'd had for ages and I just lay
there panting. After several minutes I just said thank you.
Have a good week.
How to settle a marital dispute
6 hours ago
Hi Ronnie,
I'm sorry you had a bad week but wow, what a way to release all that stress! This was super hot! P sure does know how to play you lol
Dang, Ronnie! This post should have come with a heat rating like they have on the implement sites so one has an idea of what he/she is getting himself/herself into! Whew, I almost had to wake Storm up, but he's fast asleep with his CPAP mask on and I decided against it. Glad you and P had such a hot time together! Hugs, Windy
WOW girl, that is one beautiful way to be caned. I'm sure P's words helped you reach the point where you would explode. I can imagine the light caning with your skirt in place then more sting as he slowly bared your sexy bottom. I loved the way he made you answer him so sexy.
My question is how long before you ask for the cane again?
Oh my goodness Ronnie that was as hot to read as it must have been for you to experience.. few people are as good as you in describing a scene such that we feel we were there! Thank you. Jake
That was an amazingly erotic post, thank you. I love to read about ladies who orgasm during spankings
A great way to end the week Ronnie...an Otk caning is pretty unique .
I must send this post to Ron, and hope it gives him a naughty idea or two. Thanks for sharing,Ronnie!
How wonderful for you. Lucky girl.
Excellent session! I'm glad you shared. Deep down was it the caning or P's words that was the real trigger?
Holy Hell, Ronnie!
I am practically ready to orgasm myself just from reading. Lucky girl, you are. P gets several awards for this one. Blue ribbon for taking the caning slow. Another blue ribbon for every last thing he said. The man is a genius!
Think I will leave this for Sam to read alongside the short cane.
Ella Just Wishing and Hoping
You go girl! :) :)
OMG, this is so hot. I think I am drooling. P sure knows how to take care of you. Love this.
From a different perspective, I'm a male who's been on the receiving end of a similar spanking to orgasm a few times. Wow...what a marvelous feeling it is!! Hope you get more opportunities to experience this incredible form of stress relief.
What an alluring post Ronnie, very descriptive. I love reading about couples who haven't altered the things that made their marriage strong. You and P seem to always stay the course no matter what issue come your way. And such a intimate way to cure the blues.... (This was written so good!)... 😊
Peace and love
Holy Smokes, Ronnie!! ... my iPad just melted! .... nj ... xx
OMGosh, Lady!!! :) That is some spicy spanking interlude!!! P sure knows what he is doing!!! WOWSA!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🧡
Hope that this week is a whole lot better for you than last. You sure got off to a super start! Many hugs,
❤️Katie xoxo
Very nice. I’m a submissive man, so this works in the opposite direction at our house.
I come often as a direct result of certain things Irene says to me. But rarely during a spanking but the activities afterward.
Wow, Ronnie, that was an amazing way to relieve stress. Well done P!
Rosie xx
wow! enough said :-)
hope you are having a better week... Hugs
Delightful! p and you certainly know how to have fun
Well, some folk have all the fun don’t they?
Nice going Ronnie.
Roz - I really needed the orgasm to relieve the stress:) Thanks.
Windy - LOL. Thanks. I don't think waking Storm would have been a good idea.
Archedone - Yes words do it every time. I don't like to have to reply to his questions when I am OTK. Not sure how long, but I know I will. Thanks.
Jake - Thank you for your lovely comment. Much appreciated.
QBuzz - Thank you. I'll share another If I get to have one again which I am sure I will.
The Glenmore - Thanks. I love an OTK caning and to have an orgasm beats everything.
Hermione - Thank you. If you do I hope it works for you both.
SG - I think I am. Thanks.
PK - Thanks. I would say it was his words that did it.
Ella - He has his moments:) Will be keeping fingers crossed for you. Thank you.
Shell - I did:) Thanks.
Blondie - Thanks. It's quite an experience.
Anonymous - You are right, a marvellous feeling. Happy you have experienced one. Thanks.
1Manview - Good to see you and thanks. We try our best:)
Nora Jean - LOL. Thanks.
❤️Katie - Was quite something. More of same this week. Thanks.
Rosco - Thanks. Words do it, don't they.
Rosie - Thanks. I needed it.
Terps - Thank you. I'l be glad when this week ends.
Red - We try. Thanks.
Yorkie - LOL. It was fun. Thanks.
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