So I've got some tests to have done this week, explanations needed for
some symptoms I have. Can't say more than that and I doubt if I'll have
absolute answers this week but it's possible, not definite, definitely
not definite, that surgery could be needed. Now I'm often a glass half
empty kind of person, whereas P is the opposite, so I've been flagging
up a few things he'll have to prepare for if I have to spend time with
the NHS and a few more he'll have to contend with when I convalesce. If,
and I stress IF, that becomes the case.
P doesn't like negative talk and he's warned me not to overdo it but I
know he takes it seriously underneath even though he might pooh-pooh
things and even joke about them on the surface. He got to the subject of
spanking because of all this, probably to amuse me rather than a
serious question, but he asked whether he should spank me for getting
negative and then, carrying it further, whether people in convalescence
should be spanked because I could become a right pain in the arse (as he
put it) if I was laid up for a couple of weeks. I laughed and told him
yes definitely to both but perhaps not too hard during a convalescence
period. He said well, he could always keep a book and make notes of the
spankings I should have had and carry them out later. I smiled again and
agreed wholeheartedly.
Then he made me smile a third time when he told me he was taking me over
his knee for the down comments I'd already made and as a warning not to
get knotted up about things.
Well it worked. I unknotted very nicely. Funny how spankings can have that effect:)
Thursday's GIF
1 hour ago
Hi Ronnie,
I'm a glass half empty person too. I'm sorry you are facing this. Sending positive thoughts that the tests go smoothly and for good results.
It is a worrying time and I glad P was able to unknott you :) It must be a dilemma for P whether to spank until the circumstances. I love his idea of making a note of spankings earned.
Ronnie, I'm with P a glass half full and prefer to stay positive. So sending you positive energy to get you through your procedure. Hope you have a speedy recovery and P keeps you on your toes. LOL!
Good to hear P did the magic trick and unknotted you. Stay calm my friend!
Hugs Lindy xx
Ronnie, I am hoping you sail through this with no surgery. I say that with some envy as I have my own Pre-Op visit this morning and must get in the shower soon!
Hugs and Crossed Fingers Across the Pond,
Oh Ronnie - Stay positive and see yourself getting the results you desire. The mind is very powerful so don't focus on the negative. Glad P was able to refocus your thoughts. Heck if he's worried, maybe this is the time for you to give him that spanking - that should put a smile on both your faces.
We'll be with you and be sure to let us know how things are going.
I am sending strength and positive energy to youso hopefully you will be more of a glass half full person for a bit. No use in worrying about what ifs, it just wastes your energy.
I hope it is nothing!
Of course I would rather you not need surgery. I haven't had surgery since we began TTWD, but I think a good sting - maybe not a hard caning or the like, would increase blood flow in the body causing increased healing as well as bring a smile to your face.
Sorry to hear of potential health problems, but best that you are having it investigated as soon as possible. So kind of P to offer a immediate spanking, and a willingness to keep a record of all earned but not given. I can just imagine P asking the doctor when will you be well enough to be spanked
Bottoms up
sending positive energy and healing. glad P is able to keep you focused on glass half full. :-) Hugs
I will keep you in my prayers. And hoping that spankings continue to work.
I'm hoping that the tests will go well and that you won't need surgery
Here's to spankings to keep you grounded :) I'll be watching for an update with fingers crossed.
Big hugs to you, Ronnie! :) I hope that you sail through your tests, with no surgery to come! So sorry that you are going through such worries. It’s so hard not to know what is what. Rob does just what P does in these kinds of time. He always tells me that he only worries when there is something to worry about. He tells me to do the same, but I’m not wired that way, and so understand. Hang in there!
Good on P for helping with some spanky business!! Sending lots of love and prayers,
❤️Katie xoxo
Ronnie, I know how worrying this time is for you. I went through the same thing years ago and all turned out well in the end, so keep that glass 3/4 full!
Ronnie, it’s always a worry waiting for test results, try to remain positive. You may benefit from some more unknotting in the meantime though.
Rosie xx
What a worrisome time. So sorry. Sounds like you're going to be well taken care of. Hugs -- shell
Roz - Thank you. I've always been a glass half empty, wish I wasn't but that wont change.
Lindy - Thank you, I can feel your energy from here. He does keep me on my toes, thankfully.
Ella - Thank you. Keeping everything crossed. Hope your Pre-Op was well.
SG - I'm not doing too bad with P's help:) It's just the tests and then the waiting. Thanks so much. LOL. I'm going to mention that I need to spank him for extra de-stressing.
Boo - Me too:) You are def right about not worrying until I know. Thank you.
PK - I've never had surgery and only one hospital stay when son was born. I think you are right, a really good de-stressing the weekend that would bring a big smile to my face. Thank you.
Red - I love that he would be willing to keep a record but he'll need quite a few pages:) LOL. I'd love to see our doctor's face if he asked that question. Thanks.
Terps - Much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Blondie - Thanks and for wishing the spankings continues:)
Morning star - Keeping everything crossed. Thank you.
Katie - Easier said than done when someone tells you not to worry. Thanks.
Hermione - I hate waiting at the best of times. Sorry you had to go through that. Thanks.
Rosie - I've been unknotted a few times:) Thanks.
Shell - He certainly looks after me. Thanks.
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