P said we need to take a more disciplined attitude towards business now all the holiday festivities are over and it's back to the grind.
I know what he meant but I couldn't help thinking of other sorts of office discipline. The mind boggles.............
She Wore It Around The House
56 minutes ago
The one you pictured is the only type I can think of - what else could he have in mind??
Sounds like work could be fun!
You mean he gets to be James Spader and you Maggie Gyllenhaal an you get bent over the desk and spanked for making typing errors on an important document?
Hugs, Jay
I can't think of anything else that he could possibly have meant... but then, I do have spanking on the brain. Better there than on my perky little posterior, though. And I intend to keep it that way.
Sorry for the short reply but I've got to keep a few steps ahead of Uncle Paul...
*bounces away glancing from side to side and dashing off*
Hi Ronnie:
Is there any other way to Practice Office Discipline? I think bending over the desk is really the best way don't you? Lovely picture.
Take Care,
Andrades Girl
Hi PK, Jay, Tiggs, Andrades,
Think P meant getting back into disciplined routine, timekeeping, calls etc, now the holiday is history. Naturally my mind drifted to other sort of discipline.
Please forgive me for not replying individually but just running out of the door, have to take Ps mom to the station and I daren't be late, think you can understand that.
Thanks all.
PS - Jay - how could I forget that film.
*grins* Yummy image!! Yummy idea too. *winks*
I appreciate you stopping by greenwomen, thanks.
Greenwomen - I agree John's paddles are lovely and what a good idea about the flogger, if you ever do get one, please share. x
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