Monday 4 December 2023

Thank you for your emails, BUT

My Ronnie email account still isn't working.  

Please accept my apologies for not replying to emails I've received. I'm not being rude and ignoring them, but as I said in a previous post, my Ronnie email is attaching random email addresses from my contacts list when I send or reply to an email (phone and computer) and I can't see how to fix it. at it.

I'm no techno but I'm wondering if I can delete the email and recover it. Don't know if that would work. Not looked into it.



Hermione said...

Hi Ronnie,

What a nuisance! I would suggest that you create a brand new email account for Ronnie in Gmail. Your old one was Googlemail, and maybe that doesn't work properly anymore.

Just a thought!


Prefectdt said...

Have you checked how many devices are using the account? My vanilla Gmail account started acting funny, so I logged into the Gmail account and checked devices that were using it. There was my computer, my phone and a Sony phone. I have never owned a Sony phone. So I blocked that phone and changed my password and everything worked well again. There are a lot of hackers out there, and they use a lot of accounts for dodgy purposes.


Roz said...

How annoying Ronnie. I'm sorry I don't have any other advice to offer. I hope you are able to resolve the issue soon.


Anonymous said...

Hermione - Thanks for the suggestion. Hadn't thought of that.

Pref - Thank you. Have checked, but no joy there.

Roz - Thanks.


Fondles said...

Gah . sounds frustrating. I hate it when tech fails me. Hope you find a workaround!