Saturday 16 December 2023

I forgot

You'll never believe it, but I missed my Blogiversary which was early this month. 15 years of blogging.  

Thank you to Bonnie for spotting my blog all those years ago, to the friends I've made and a special thank you to all my readers who still visit even though I don't blog as much as I have done.

Here's a re-post of my first ever spanking post.

Spanked with roses. 

It was a memorable and totally unexpected event. My birthday actually and I got roses, two bunches in fact, one of which went into a vase and the other was used for my birthday spanking.

Now let me explain. This was out of the blue to me but P had obviously thought it out, the roses were the ones without thorns so no worries there and the stems were long and supple. Stripped of a few leaves (to cut wind resistance P said) and held by the petals end they made a birch-like spanking implement, still wet from their wrapping, formidable I can assure you with hindsight; though being roses and one of my favourite flowers, they did not appear so at the time, prior to use and I had a whole new regard for roses after.

In fairness P gave me the choice - hand on bare bum OTK or Roses on bare bum OT leather sofa arm. I love OTK but couldn't resist the roses. A minute later I was wishing I hadn't, an hour later I was glad I had. No idea how many strokes I got but those stems hurt, they really did, and then P stopped and turned them round and started spanking with the petals end, which was bushier but with lots of tiny little stems which stung. Now, having no history of roses spankings to compare with I'd had no idea how effective they would be, or that some of the stems would break, or that my bum would be stinging so wickedly evenly all over, or that I would end up covered in rose petals, which P said looked lovely and snapped on his phone to show me later, hence the photo.

So what about the birthday sex that followed? Well it didn't. What followed was me clearing up loads of petals from the sofa, especially down the back of the cushions, and both of us going back to the office to finish some work which had to be out by the end of the afternoon. And an hour or so later, sitting on my swivel chair with a bum still radiating heat, I thought how nice it felt and wondered if it would last till we went out to eat later. I hoped so. If not, well there was always that second bunch in the vase. BTW - his photo doesn't tell the truth, my bum was MUCH redder than that, I think the light affected it.



Hermione said...

Happy belated blogaversary, dear friend. I remember that post well, and still smile at the thought of all those rose petals scattered everywhere.


PK said...

I'm just so glad that you are still posting. Happy blogaversary! I remember reading this when you first posted it. I loved it then and I still do.

Prefectdt said...

Belated but happy Blogiversary. I hope you have many more.


Roz said...

Happy Blogiversary Ronnie, wishing you many more :) I too remember this post and it still made me smile:)


Ronnie Soul said...

Hermione - Thank you, Makes me smile every time I remember that spanking.

PK - Thank you. Seems a long time ago when I started blogging. I'm happy that we still have friends blogging. We've lost a few along the way.

Pref - Thank you. I am posting less and less these days.

Roz - Thank you and a big thank you for always stopping by and leaving lovely comments.
