Monday 15 November 2021

Jurassic Encounters

That's one of the sounds (the video doesn't do the sound justice)  that greeted us when we went to see Jurassic Encounters last weekend.

We took our Granddaughter as she loves dinosaurs. It was staged in Birmingham's Botanical Gardens and busy but not too packed so no worries about social distancing as it was all outside. Funny thing though, even though she loves them and knows many of their names (better than I do) she wouldn't touch them or sit on them where it was allowed. And it certainly made her jump when they suddenly roared or started moving their heads and limbs. 

Personally I think the beasts looked a little tired and could do with a make over but the kids didn't mind, the weather held fair and we had a lovely time with lunch after.

Stay safe.

Have a good week.



Roz said...

Hi Ronnie, how cool. Funny your granddaughter didn't want to go near them. Glad you had a wonderful day :)


morningstar said...

OHHHHHHHHHHH this brought memories!! We took the lil one to our Prehistoric Land (down the road from our country place) a few years ago... I remember the mosquitoes!! they were as big as dinosaurs LOL BUT the lil one didn't notice ..... she was mesmerized by them all....

Glad you had a good time at with your granddaughter !! It's wonderful when we make such fun memories

Hermione said...

We gave our grandson (who loved dinosaurs) a toy Tyrannosaurus Rex that moved and roared, with eyes that lit up. He wouldn't go near it and didn't want to take it home with him, repeatedly pulling it out of his mother's bag and throwing it on the floor.


PK said...

I'm so glad you took her to enjoy them - and let her decide if she wanted to touch or sit on them. It's okay to enjoy something from afar.

Anonymous said...

fun times.

Fondles said...

Oh that reminds me there is a thing called the Jurassic Mile in where-I-live and we've been wanting to visit it. Maybe we'll do that this Thursday!

ronnie said...

Roz - Yes slightly strange but she wants to go again:) Thanks.

Morningstar - We are loving the memories we are making. Sounds like the lil one enjoyed herself. Thanks.

Hermione - She doesn't like robots/animals that move like that either. Funny. Thanks.

PK - True but I was still surprised. Thanks.

Red - We had a lovely day. Thanks.

Fondles - If you go, let us know what it was like. Thanks.
