Monday 6 September 2021


You may or may not have read my Wednesday's post. No matter if you haven't. It was about Nigella (Lawson) who had described items in her recipes as slut-coloured but has now had to re-identify them using more appropriate language.

I had my own view on what slut coloured might look like but it got me thinking - what would you think slut-colour would be?

Kdperrin -  imagined something like a purple, (perhaps grape?) custard, accented with busted (red) cherries?

Fondles - possible a peachy reddish hue might not be far off. 

Anybody got any different thoughts? If so please do divulge them. 

Stay safe.

Have a good week.



Roz Harrison said...

Hi Ronnie, I remember this. Slut coloured...interesting. I would imagine a pinky hue


Hermione said...

It seems that Slut Red actually is a colour. There is a nail polish called Slut Red, and a Slutty colour palette for artists to choose from.
Google has the answer to everything!


PK said...

I'm thinking of a deep vivid red. Something that would be painful to sit on.

Bonnie said...

Hi Ronnie,

I greatly dislike that word, especially when it is used to refer to a woman. So much so, in fact, that I won't link any blog that uses the word in its title or description. I object to the suggestion that a woman can do something sexual that forever stains her with dishonor. I think sex can be a positive force in the world and shouldn't be a source of shame.

With that said, I believe that color is invisible because the person so described does not exist. :)

Anonymous said...

Nigela Lawson , Now there is a bottom i would LOVE to spank..

Paddle Daddy

ronnie said...

Roz - Pinky hue, yes. Thanks.

Hermione - I didn't know that. Thanks for Googling and letting us know.

PK _ I like vivid red:) Thanks.

Bonnie - Yes, good point and well put. I would hate hearing it applied condescending by a 'certain type' but I don't mind it being used with humour or sexually, like my hub accusing me of acting sluttishly:) Thanks.

Paddle Daddy - Hello. A lot of men and maybe some women would. Thanks.
