Friday 10 September 2021

A Smile for Today

This made me smile. From our friend Red over at Consensual Spanking second edition.

Stay safe.

Have a fun weekend.



Roz Harrison said...

Ooh ouch, I think I'd be more embarrassed! LoL. Thanks Ronnie and Red :)


Glenmore said...

I hope It's hung inside a closet !

Anonymous said...

I like stuff like this. We have out big wooden spoon hung right out in the open and it has a placard that euphemistically lets viewers know it's not for cooking. We are pretty open about what we do.

Hermione said...

You might think it was a breadboard :) We have one hanging in our kitchen, although it lacks the holes.


Anonymous said...

My wife has the bath brush hanging in the kitchen, If asked she will say Why, but most of her friends know Why and agree with it hanging in the kitchen. As for that paddle, I would not like, but know better to question my wife. Jack

Anonymous said...

Growing up the paddle was resting on to of the refrigerator.

Minielle Labraun said...

Oh yes, the feeling of seeing that!

Bonnie said...

Yes, we sometimes display spanking implements whose purpose is undeniable. The chance of embarrassment is part of the thrill. I am not embarrassed to be spanked with a paddle like that one, but I might be if the wrong people found out about it.

ronnie said...

Roz - Me too.Thanks.

Glenmore - Looks like it's in plain site for everyone to see. Thanks.

Kdpierre - I was thinking wooden spoon OK, then read the rest of your comment about the placard:) Thank

Hermione - The only thing we have on show is a long wooden ruler. Thanks.

Jack - I' be curious if I saw a bath brush hanging in someones kitchen. Thanks.

Anonymous - I wouldn't like to see that everyday:) Thanks.

Minelle - Butterflies in your stomach. Thanks.

Bonnie - I would be embarrassed if I left an implement out and someone asked what is was for. Thanks.
