Monday 24 May 2021

Just Walking in the Rain

We were in our local town last Thursday evening, P said we'd have a beer after having a walk round, it was a mild evening after raining most of the day and we were lightly dressed. We shouldn't have been, the weather of late has been highly changeable and sure enough the heavens opened and it quickly became a downpour. We didn't have an umbrella with us and P said let's get inside somewhere and have a drink until the rain eases. We had to wait outside the nearest bar, luckily under a canopy, for them to admit us. It looked quite busy inside and no standing allowed because of social distancing. Still we weren't getting wet. Then the owner came to the door, we knew her, she said they were full but as soon as someone left we'd be in. Then a couple who were sitting at two tables close to the entrance said they would shuffle round a bit move some furniture and we could slot in if we wanted. It was a kind offer, the owner made a gesture as if to say it's up to you, so we masked up for the tiny walk inside, scanned in and sanitized and took our seats. We thanked the couple and ordered some drinks. We sat chatting and the atmosphere was nice with a hum of conversation and a feeling of camaraderie. It was slightly weird but pleasant, even P was pleased I could tell from his demeanour. The Belgian beers they serve there may have helped:)

Anyway the barman came over to the couple and asked if they wanted another drink, they did and ordered and when the drinks came, his was a dark ale half poured into the glass and half still in the bottle, it was one of those flip-top bottles and he saw us both look at it and commented that it looked interesting. P said you haven't tried it before then, and that was it a conversation was opened. They spent the next hour telling us about anything and everything, that they were going to get a Chinese takeaway to eat back home, about her brother who worked in Germany, her mother, his dad, his job and a cottage they had bought on a Scottish island, the work it needed doing and that he was going up next week with his dad to get some advice on how to tackle it. We hardly got a word in just nods and smiles and the occasional anecdotal comment. They left two beers later to collect their takeaway, she wrote her number on the back of her takeaway menu and passed it across, said maybe grab a bite to eat some time in town now things were starting to get back to normal. They were a very nice couple and we were glad we'd got caught in the rain. We left ten minutes later, it was still raining and the owner came over and gave us one of the umbrellas from a rack by the door, said drop it back next time you're passing. Little things like that impress my husband, he's a softy really.

On the walk back to the car I asked what makes complete strangers just open up like that and want to tell you about their life. P said maybe it was a just a kind of release valve after being restricted for so long. Has anyone else found that, now that things are starting to open up again, a sort of pent up desire to be friendly and communicate and helpful?

Has lockdown made us reflect on things, even made us better people, or is it just a temporary state which will return to normal as the months roll on.

Stay safe. Have a good week.



Roz said...

Sounds like a wonderful outing all round. It was nice of the other couple to make room and the owner giving you the umbrella.

Apart from the odd hitch, which mostly affected our biggest city, we have pretty much been back to normal for some time now. I think most people are still treating each other with kindness and interacting in occasion with strangers. Ultimately though, I suspect over time it may prove to be temporary.


PK said...

Sounds like you had a nice evening. This exchange makes me think of the way women usually talk, but not men so much. Nick and the kids were always amazed that I could come back from the ladies room and tell them details about the birth of a woman's first child when we had only stood in line together for a few minutes. Maybe the pandemic has opened men up too. Let's hope so.

Anonymous said...

We are still locked down tight, and being in an area of many cases, have not been near people outside of family for over a year and counting. Family visits for the last many months has simply been from the end of the driveway. I imagine people will be much friendlier, eventually. Eating outdoors on the patio is still forbidden! Glad you had a wonderful time. PS: wouldn't it be delightful if one of the couple or one of their friends read your blog, and recognize the couple from such great detail.
bottoms up

ozarkshillbilyhippie said...

Here in the middle west things are getting back to almost normal even in st.louis and Kansas City in Springfield those bars and eateries that survived are open soon it will be the end of the mask order

Fondles said...

what a lovely outing. I do find that some people here seem to want to connect more, perhaps as you say, due to being in lockdown or having social contact curbed for so long.


I'll tell you in June, if we get the relaxations that have been promised for then, if the hospital numbers are good


morningstar said...

yup - like Prefectdt - we're still pretty much locked down but reading your post made me feel so hopeful - warm and fuzzy too...

I'm thinking everyone will be more open and warm and friendly -- initially when restrictions are lifted.... It would be nice if it was permanent - but I think we'll find once everyone gets caught up in the hustle and bustle of life - it will stop....... sadly

Hermione said...

What a lovely evening you had. We can't do anything of the kind here, still locked down, but I can't wait to visit our favourite neighbourhood pub.


ronnie said...

Roz - It was a lovely evening. I hope it's not temporary and everyone goes backto ignoring people and dnot being friendly. Thanks.

PK - I know what you mean. I talk to anyone and everyone:) Thanks.

Red - I hope they don't:) I hated visits like that with family. I hope your country can start to lift restrictions soon. Thanks.

Ozarkshillbilyhippie - 21st June is a date out Government is going to say no social distancing and so on but I hope not as the Indian variant is spreading in the UK. Thanks.

Fondles - Yes I think it's because we've all been in lockeddown for a long time. I hope you numbers don't keep rising. Thanks.

Pref - Same for us in June but as I said in an earlier comment, the indian variant is growing stronger. I hope your restrictions are relaxed. Thanks.

Hermione - It did feel quite weird sitting in a pub having a drink. Hipe your restrictions are lifted soon.
