Monday 7 December 2020

Any Suggestions

If you didn't visit Hermione yesterday for her regular spanko brunch, please do if you have a moment to spare. She (and me) are asking for your suggestions on how we can reach out to anyone who doesn't know about Love our Lurkers and how to get more bloggers to participate.

Your suggestions would be very welcome.

Thank you.

Stay safe.



Roz said...

Hi Ronnie,

I did comment on Hermione's brunch yesterday. I really don't know how to encourage more bloggers to participate. There certainly are far less bloggers now so the number of participants is far less.

I do wonder if blogger just isn't the preferred platform nowdays. I also think a number of bloggers left due to life changes or don't feel they have much to say. In which case they would be less likely to encourage lurkers to de-lurk.


Glenmore said...

Hi Ronnie
I also commented on Hermiones blog.
I no longer participate in the LOL as I do not see the point.
Trying to appeal to people who stop by regularly to enjoy our blogs but are too lazy or inconsiderate to comment or leave a simple thank you are not worth my time.
I'm afraid it is a concept that has run its course as lurkers will always be lurkers and will not change.

Our Bottoms Burn said...

Frankly, I never understood why Bonnie thought the idea was worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

I comment today, where else can you go, especially a male and admit that you are spanked, that you need a strong woman, that is all I can say. Jack

PK said...

I commented to Hermione too. I don't have many ideas, but I sure do miss the hay-day of blogging. Twitter may be the answer, but so far I haven't had the heart to delve into something new.

morningstar said...

I read your blog then went to Hermione's and commented there.... GAH!!

I do think it may be time to change the look of LOL - I have never been thrilled with LOL days... it seemed a lot of work with no visible change... these lurkers always make me think of peeping toms.. and back in the day when I wrote very graphic posts on play parties and being a masochist - some days I felt like an Xrated magazine that folks bought for the 'thrills'

I won't be wandering off to Twitter... and I won't be leaving the blog world either....... shrug....... it is what it is.

Kaelah said...

Dear Ronnie, I missed the brunch and already wrote a belated comment on Hermione's blog. I felt the urge to write a few words, since so many commenters wrote that lurkers weren't worth their attention because they won't stay and become regular commenters.

As you know, I started out as a lurker more than ten years ago, as I had just discovered the world of spanking and spanking blogs back then (plus, I am not a native speaker of the English language), and so I felt too shy to comment. I didn't know what to say because I hadn't experienced a real erotic spanking myself, yet, and had the feeling that I didn't have the right to comment on the blogs of those who had.

LOL Day was my chance to step out of the shadows. So in 2009, I wrote my first-ever comment on a kinky blog (actually on any blog), which was Ludwig's Rohrstock-Palast. And not only did I become a regular commenter, but Ludwig's girlfriend and now wife. Of course I am aware that this special development is a rare one (or even unique ;-) ), but I remember at least one more commenter who wrote her first-ever comment on the very same LOL Day and remained a very avid commenter, at least for several years (which is a lot here in blogland) and whom we also met in person some years later. Others at least returned regularly on LOL Day to let us now they were still reading.

That said, after the first years the number of commenters on LOL Day at least on our blog decreased, and most of the time delurkers were bloggers themselves and not newbies to the scene or silent readers who hadn't found the courage to say hi before. And most of the fellow bloggers, many of whom we even met personally over the years, aren't active anymore or on Twitter or non-public sites only. So to Ludwig and me, the community doesn't feel like such a close community anymore.

Of course we still participate in LOL Day – after all it is such a special day for us. But I also believe that the time for spanking blogs might be over, which means that LOL Day will most probably never become such a big day ever again as it was some years ago. And I have to admit I have no idea how to change that. Then again, if it encourages just one silent reader to step out of the shadows, become an active member of the community and start their own journey into the world of kink, I still think it is absolutely worth it!

Anonymous said...

Write about P spanking you. That is what lurkers want to read about. We want to know why you deserve to be spanked, how you feel when it is happening and what happens afterwards. We want spanking content, not to know about what it is like to run a blog. We appreciate truly your efforts, I know I am always excited when I see you have posted something. I enjoy reading how P spanks you when you are naughty.

Anonymous said...

Well, one type of participation I achieved was from old and new commenters who liked the idea that I would be given five spanks for every comment left. Most people were not lurkers, but it did encourage people to visit my blog. In total, i had 33 responses, and thus 165 spanks over two spankings (Day one/day two), with a number extra because five with one implement that only is used on alternate cheeks is uneven.
I whole heartedly recommend that this be a requisite for anyone involved in LOL.

Specifically to lack of comments: younger people have moved on to twitter and other ways of expressing their spanking interests. Blogger is for old married couples, to a good extent.

bottoms up

ronnie said...

Roz - I know, I struggle to find any new written blogs. I know comments will have given Hermione some things to think about. Thank you.

Glenmore - I've had a few lurkers who have commented and still commenting now, so that I am thankful for, but do understand what you are saying. Thanks.

OBB - You did join in for a number of LOL? I think I'm right. Thanks.

Jack - Not many places. Thank you, Jack.

PK - I do list Twitter feeds in my Inn with the New post as I can't find any new written blogs. Community isn't quite the same now. Thanks.

Morningstar - It's a hard one. I've been blogging now for 12 years and have a soft spot for LOL and wound't like to see LOL stop, but that's me. Thinking needed. Thanks.
7 December 2020 at 21:53

Kaelah - It makes me smile everytime I read or hear about you Ludwig's meeting. I agree if it only bring out one to join our community.

Anonymous - I very happy you enjoy postings of me being spanked, but sadly that can't happen all the time. Some spanking are fun/small ones that I don't write about. Thank you.

Red - Yes I think I agree with you and others, people have moved to other. platforms. Thanks.
