Wednesday, 4 November 2020

We're off to Spain

No not now, in fact not even in the foreseeable as not much is reliably foreseeable in the current climate. But next year. Some time next year, actual date to be filled in. We spent nearly an hour talking about it on Saturday night, over a very nice meal and glass or two of good Malbec and after a FaceTime chat with our son and family, primarily to confirm that their view was same as ours that we could still child-mind our granddaughter under the new lockdown rules, and secondly that we'll take a sun-and-sand family holiday next year. It was a cheering thought and needless to say caused old memories to flood back after we logged off.

We'll get a villa within easy distance of sandy beaches, P said he'll teach our granddaughter to swim hopefully in warm waters just as he did her dad, teach her a bit of Spanish too he joked. We rabbited on for a while, stuff we won't talk about when we actually do it, some funny some sad, mostly pleasant. I think it will really happen too as our son was highly enthusiastic except at the prospect of managing his daughter for the first time on an aircraft. I told him it was easy, I'd done lots of flights with him when he was a toddler and P was working, so leave it to me, he will too so I might live to regret that:)
Anyway it's a plan. What about spanking, I asked P sheepishly after a second glass of red, I mean if I transgressed in some way (or even if I didn't). He said we'd get a big villa.

I'll be keeping everything crossed,

Please stay safe.


Roz said...

Sounds wonderful Ronnie, it's a good thing to make plans, we all need something to look forward to right now.


HOT GIRLS said...
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Hermione said...

Lucky you! Someday, when the world is right again, it will be a fine vacation.

My d-i-l prefers to fly with her 2 kiddies without her husband on the 18+ hour trip home for the holidays (not this year, though). He would be too stressed out, so he takes a separate flight.


morningstar said...

ohhhhhhhhhh how lovely - something to look forward to when this mess is over!!

PK said...

It sounds great! And it's wonderful to have something like that to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Always nice to look ahead and plan, but do not put any money down as a deposit. Who knows what the world will look like in8 months, but the last eight months do not bode well for the coming year. Many spankings will be needed to get through winter
bottoms up


It is a good idea to plan something special to look forward to, when this mess is all over and a Villa in Spain sounds just dandy. Myself, I am dreaming of visiting the Rhine Gorge.


Bob S said...

Sounds wonderful. The COVID rules come down to being smart. Your three generational family should be just fine together so long as no one attends the Sturgis motorcycle rally or does something equally foolish.

ronnie said...

Roz - I'll be keeping everything crossed Thanks.

Hermione - Something to look forward to. I don't know if I could handle two on a 18+ flight. I suppose depends on age. Thanks.

Mornoingstar - It will be late next year if at all. Thanks.

PK - I would love it to happen. Thanks.

Red - Oh definitely no deposit. We don't book that far ahead that you have to leave deposits. UK could be in lockdown next year. Who knows. Thanks.

Prefectdt - Thanks. I hope your dream comes true for you.

Bob -Thanks. We would be very casreful, but if things are looking bad we just wont go.
