Monday 20 July 2020

I'm blaming Donald

Even if he isn't actually to blame. And I don't know the name of whoever heads up the US mail system anyway, so Donald will do.   

I'm ranting about the terrible increase in UK-US postal charges which have been imposed by Royal Mail since the beginning of this month. About 60% has been added, that's pretty steep and will obviously impact users both sides of the pond. Royal Mail say they have had to impose the increases and that they are not making a penny of extra profit from them.

Apparently it's partly down to the shortage of transatlantic passenger flights (which used to carry a lot of letters and light mail) since covid came about so paying higher charges for freight flights but mostly it's because of the US mail service changing its terms of business and charging a much higher price for the 'last mile' part of the delivery, which is the most expensive part for all mail service providers. I understand increases are affecting charges in the opposite direction too so US to UK is now more costly.

I send stuff to the US quite often, I don't make any profit on postage and never have, but I can't absorb this ridiculous increase although I have done so far. I checked out alternative carriers to try and cut costs but there aren't any good options. Royal Mail do a super economy 'service', which is admittedly cheap, but it takes up to 42 days to arrive and I don't think that's acceptable to people who have 'matters to attend to', although I might offer it as an option.  

All I need now is for the brexit nonsense to cause increases in charges to the EU at the end of the year! I'm not saying that will happen but who knows.

I was moaning to P about it, he just said I should put up prices and that was that. When I brought it up again later in the day and asked his advice on incentivising somehow to ameliorate the possible decrease in sales, he just said run the increases for a few months first and see what happens, no point looking for solutions until there's data to go on. I could see it was subject closed as far as he was concerned so I suppose I'll make the necessary price adjustments and wait and see.

Rant over:)

Stay safe. Have a good week.



Roz said...

Hi Ronnie,

How frustrating, not to mention worrying, especially when you rely on the post for your business. I'm not really sure what else you can do but increase prices. Try talking to P again. He may have come up with some potential ideas in the meantime. If not, you never know, it might get you spanked:)


Anonymous said...

Frustrating, but necessary, so raise the fees for postage, giving the alternative of 42 day shipping estimate. I imagine many people have stopped using the mail, and thus volume is down, but costs of employees and everything involved have stayed constant. I moved all bills to electronic delivery, when the scare was the paper could be transmitting the virus.
Throwing a tantrum about the prices could earn you a wonderful spanking, and you are a brat whenever you need to be.
bottoms up

PK said...

Feel free to blame him for everything - he's thrown the whole world kilter!

morningstar said...

I agree with Red - hike up your delivery charges and offer the 42 day option - let people decide. You shouldn't be out money !! Besides everyone and his brother are raising costs now...... it sorta goes with the covid thing ya know?!

Erica Scott said...

Agree with PK -- please feel free to blame him. We do. (Well, we sentient beings with hearts and brains.) Sorry for the aggravation. Hopefully things will be able to return to some semblance of sanity soon.

Bruno y Mia said...

Donald is the best

Hermione said...

Hi Ronnie,

I think you should include shipping costs in the price of your merchandise, or at least let the buyers know how much the cost will be.

Umm, sorry Bruno y Mia, but he's the WORST.


Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with Hermione. It's a simple matter to say: "Item=$ plus shipping=$ total=$" Everyone does. I do think it's a plus to say in your description that what you charge for shipping is the actual shipping cost with no 'extras' added in. That always makes a difference to me.

Graham said...

Ronnie, why are you blaming Don? Don`t you know the thing to do these days is to blame the Russians?

ronnie said...

Roz - Thanks. Well I suppose that's something to think abaout:)

Red - I don't feel like being a brat at the moment I just want a decision on this first:) Thanks.

PK - LOL. He's got a lot to answer for. Thanks.

Morningstar - My prices are very competitive with others and I don't like putting up charges (I see others that are well out of order for what they are selling) but I may have to. Thank you.

Erica - Oh I do. I can't see PO charges changing and as I said, with Brexit EU could hike there prices up. We'll see. Thanks.

Bruno - Not everyone agrees with you. Thanks.

Hermione - Yes I have. Thanks.

kdpierre - I agree and I think I will add more to my description re postal charges. Thank you.

Graham - LOL. I blame them as well. Thanks.


Boosghost2 said...

Hey Ronnie,

In our house, I don't speak the idiot's name, simply refer to the "idiot down south".

I'm sorry it is causing such problems for you though!

Your P sounds exactly like my Sheriff when I bring up working at school in September and how nervous I am (been a SAHM for 16 years....just returning now) and the Sheriff responds with "there isn't enough information/data available to make a decision, so we will wait to make that decision". Frustrating to be sure, especially when he is right!

I hope things resolve soon.

ronnie said...

Boosghost2 - Looks like he wont be doing a second term. I can't see charges changing and I hope with Brexit EU charges don't go up. We'll see. I hope all goes well for you in September. Thank you.
