WTF! would be my thought if my husband ever said that to me. Or 'I'm
taking you upstairs for a soft spanking' or 'I warn you I'll take that heart shaped foam paddle to you if you don't behave'. I could
make up loads more but you get the idea. I wouldn't like it.
It was P who brought it to my
attention when I balked at the threat (idle unfortunately) of him
caning me for whining about how much I've still got to do for Christmas
and how I can't possibly get it all done. I mean he knows me by now, I
will get it all done, I always do, it's just my way of letting off a
bit of pressure.
Anyway I was delighted that he even mentioned the cane after using it so wickedly the other week but I didn't fancy getting my bottom caned
at that particular time and made it obvious enough that I thought that
was a bit severe and quite unnecessary even though I thought he was
joking. I asked why he would say such a thing.
His words more or less: 'Just trying to help out in my own little way,
chivvy things along, give you a bit of encouragement.' He did say it
with a smile. I said well thanks but there was no need to be so extreme.
Then he said it was funny with us women, or so it seemed to him; if we
got threatened with a mild spanking, a soft spanking, a wussy little tap
tap as he put it, we would most likely be unimpressed and just think
yeah yeah big deal.. zzzzzzz.. But when it's a 'sound' spanking or a
'thrashing' or 'the cane' or 'til you can't sit down' it gets our
attention and gets the juices (his words) going even if there may be some
trepidation too. We left it like that but I thought
about what he said.
In all the spanking stories we read or the pictures or cartoons we see,
when do we ever see a spankee getting it soft? Hardly ever or even
never, I'd say. It's always hard, good, sound, there are Yikes Gulps and
Ouches etc if it's a cartoon and there are often tears in both stories
and pictures. So what can we deduce from that? It can only be that that
is what appeals to people otherwise it would change. Yet when we are
actually living the reality of it happening, we remonstrate against it
and try to wriggle out of it. Maybe that's how it should be, how we want
it to be really, deep down.
Hmm. Too much for my tired brain to figure out. But I do know I don't
ever want to get threatened with a furry magic wand ann-summers-type off
the shelf spanking implement so maybe P's right in his own simple observation.
Have a fun weekend.
A Frustrated Husband
2 hours ago
Hi Ronnie,
Interesting thoughts, and I agree, it's a conundrum that we don't want to see or read about a 'soft' spanking yet sometimes balk at the idea of receiving a hard spanking. P was right.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend:)
Why would anyone bother with a soft spanking? The harder the better, in my opinion.
Absolutely! If you're going to do something, do it RIGHT!
I think P is absolutely right - although I don't like giving credit..
you should ask P to put you over his knee and give you a sound bottom warming with a paddle rather than a nasty cane.
Not harsh enough then no endorphins, in a real life spanking. So that is what I want for the fantasy side of things too.
totally agree, that we both want the spanking to be real, but also try to avoid it when it is announced. A playful pat on the bottom to behave is delightful, but a few light pats as a spanking would never do.
Glad you had time to write a post with so much to do before Christmas. I am certain a REAL stress relief spanking will do you both a very good turn.
bottoms up
Roz - Yes. If P says he's going to give me a hard spanking, I'm like no, why, but if then he just spanked softly, I'd sure be complaining:) Thanks.
Hermione - The harder the better, too right. Thanks.
PK - I second that:) Thanks.
Anonymous - I like the cane more than the paddle we have. Thanks.
Prefectdt - I agree. Happy holidays. Thanks.
Red - A spanking anytime does us both good:) Thanks.
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