And dry, well almost, I'm talking about the booze not the weather. P
returned from there and he's picked up a bug, got
laryngitis (he thinks) and wasn't happy with the trip in general, nor
what he called the 'lack of sympathy' from me which got me spanked.
It was a hastily arranged trip, our old partner from China had booked a
Beijing-Dublin flight and asked P to join him, he'd arranged some
meetings with employers who had staff shortages and had been employing
Filipinos with good results but needed more. P was a bit dubious, he
thinks there will be opportunities to bring more staff into the UK in
various discipline after brexit finally settles but he can't see much
point putting effort into Eire and he doesn't want to go back into that
full time in any case. Anyway he agreed to go, Chung wanted a bit of
support, I wanted to go too but P said no it wouldn't be a 'jolly' as he
called it. That pissed me off a bit.
Anyway it got done, P said he couldn't really see much coming out of it
but it had been nice to see Chung again even though he seemed to have
gone tea-total. P's voice was croaky and intermittent when he got home, I
said he couldn't have contributed much in meetings like that but he
said it didn't stop his brain from working and anyway it was often
better to let the other parties do the talking. He asked me for lemsip
and linctus and whatever else we had in the medicine bag, some nasal
spray too even though he didn't appear to have a cold. I gave him what
we had and let him choose. He didn't seem actually ill to me, just lost
his voice and feeling sorry for himself. I told him he should have let
me go with him, I'd have been able to look after him (heavy sarcasm) and
I'd have been a willing drinking buddy because I love Irish bars and
the stuff they specialise in, which I can get through easily over there
though wouldn't over here.
Long story short, second day back P's throat was worse, more like a
regular cough than laryngitis and I told him so. I made him cancel a
visit to our granddaughter because of possible infection, which is low
risk with laryngitis but higher with a regular cough. He wasn't happy
but accepted it after a few words. Then he got funny with me for not
caring enough or trying to put it right for him, well there's not much
you can do really for something like that and I didn't feel too
concerned anyway as he hadn't taken me with him. A few snipes passed
between us and then he decided I needed spanking. I told him I didn't
and what about his cough and passing his infection on to me. He told me
he wasn't affected physically, not like I was shortly going to be, and
since when did spankings pass germs on. I told him any hand contact
could so he just said he better not use his hand then and told me to
come upstairs with him.
What an idiot! Me not him. If I hadn't mentioned the germs crap he would
most likely have spanked me in the lounge, by hand, good and hard
hopefully, which would have been just the job after a few days apart and
a bit of friction. But now I was being marched upstairs and it would be
an implement of some sort. He took me into the office and found the
first thing that came to hand which happened to be bogey's paddle worse
luck for me. He sat on the futon and made me undo my jeans and get a
move on, then he wrenched them down to my thighs and dragged me across
his lap. My knickers were next, before he started, so he wasn't playing,
and then he started in. He gave me, well, I'd guess between sixty and
eighty spanks hard and fast, they weren't punctuated with rhetoric
because his voice wasn't up to it. Most of the noise came from me as I
wriggled and squiggled begging him to to stop after several minutes. He
did eventually and slid me onto the floor. I pulled my knickers up,
pouting. I could see his cock was hard inside his jeans, I said I was
sorry if I'd been inconsiderate and asked how I could best make it up to
him, my eyes blatantly on his crotch. He put his hands on my head.
"Not like that," he said, "much as I'd like to. That's one sure way of passing on an infection."
He was right of course so I got up next to him, unzipped him and gave him a hand job instead.
"There," I simpered, "see how useful I could have been if I'd been over there with you."
Toon Tuesday
12 hours ago
Hi Ronnie,
Sorry to hear the trip didn't quite go as P had planned and that he returned under the weather. At least it got you spanked :)
I might be wrong, but I'm pretty certain a blowjob doesn't put you at risk for a URTIs, which is what it sounds like P has. :)
I shall have to research this... but i so wish I could just ask my boss LOL.
Glad you got that spanking in the end tho.
I agree with Fondles, can't see how that would have been contagious. Anyway I hope P recovers soon.
You're too funny.
I hope Fondles does the research and lets the rest of us know! But he should have taken you on the trip. I bet you would have shown the proper sympathy then.
I am always happy to hear about your spankings - keep up the naughty work!
Bloody cold bugs. Your responses would have been mine too lol...good to be reading here again.
Kiwigirliegirl x
Roz - He's much better. Thanks.
Fondles - You;d get a correct answer. Thanks.
Hermione - She could be right. Thanks.
SG - Thanks:)
PK - I hope she does. I would have been very useful on the tip. Thanks.
Anonymous - Thank you. I'll keep trying:)
Kiwigirliegirl - Hello. Good to see you. Are you blogging? Thanks.
Hi Ronnie. Im trying to blog again but having technical just reading and commenting at the minute until i can work it out. Something to do with the email i used for my blog has been closed and im trying to either reopen it or link to another email. Im no techo thats forvsure xx
Kiwigirliegirl - I hope you get up and running. I'm no techno either.
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