Monday, 10 June 2019

Holiday time

We're away on holiday. Sadly only UK not in warmer climes. 

I have scheduled this post, a 'Bottoms Up' for Wednesday and an 'In with the New' for Friday. I hope you'll stop by.

Here's a short story I wrote a while back. Some may remember it.

She was naughty

She got caned - it hurt

She cried

I said it was a short:)

See you when I get back. Have a good week.



Roz said...

Very nice Ronnie, love your picture story :) Hope you are having a wonderful time on vacation.


morningstar said...

have a wonderful holiday :)

Hermione said...

Short and VERY sweet! Have a lovely vacation, Ronnie.


Anonymous said...

Short and sweet, and wishing you a fun holiday, with at least one caning while away, as it has become your favorite.
bottoms up

Aimless Rambling said...

Short and sweet - but pictures say a thousand words, right. Hope you enjoy your holiday.

Ella said...

I like a story with a happy ending, Ronnie. Have some fun and enjoy a new restaurant. Surely hope you packed your travel cane.

Hugs Across the Pond,

1ManView said...

Have a great holiday Ronnie... I enjoyed the short story....😉

peace and love

PK said...

But still an excellent story! Have fun while away.

ronnie said...

Roz - Happy you enjoyed it. Thank you.

Morningstar - Thanks. We did have a very nice time.

Hermione - Thanks, holiday was good even though we got lots of rain.

Red - No spankings at all. Thanks.

SG - Thanks. I do like my pictures.

Ella - Thanks. We ate at a very nice seafood restaurant. I wanted some tiger prawns which was on the menu lunchtime had run out by the time went in the evening.

1MView - We did despite the rain. Thanks.

PK - We did. Thanks.
