Monday, 11 July 2016

Leather, wood and other things

PK posted pictures of all her and Nick's toys (you can see them here) and asked us to post a picture of ours.

So this is our collection.

My all time favourite from the leather collection is the Rose Leatherthorn paddle. PK sent me the dogging bat (next to the plimsoll) I like the sound when it smacks against my bottom but personally think its bark is worse than its bite. I added the school plimsoll and the lexan cane but they're hardly used.

From the wood collection my least favourite is the Loopy Johnny and Bogey's paddle (one with the holes in) they certainly get my attention. The paddle is one of P's favourites because it's fast and well suited to OTK as it doesn't need much room to swing but still produces excellent results (from his perspective). When he has space and time, and circumstances are appropriate, he likes to use the cane. To be honest I thought we had more canes. Well there is another one at the office:) 

And my naughty towel from Cane-Iac which I've used a few times. I'll repost one of my stories when I used it.

Have a good week.



Eric51Amy49 said...

Nice collection Ronnie! I've never seen a towel like that before. Fun. I bought Sir Strap from Cane-iac as well as a number of other implements. We posted our chest full of implements as well but I am not savvy enough to add a link like you did. You'll have to teach me how to do that. You have a great week too. Amy

Michael M said...

What a lot of toys you have collected. Hope you receive a spanking from one of them this week.

Lindy Thomas said...

Ronnie you and P have a huge collection. So many canes, wow. I've wanted one of the rose paddles but to order from overseas the postage is way too high. Don't seem to find anywhere in Australia to buy one.
Thanks for sharing. I'm about to add a post of our toys but we only have a few compared to you.
Hugs Lindy

an English Rose said...

Christ Alive Ronnie, you are giving our friends across the pond a run for their money! All those canes, I would run a mile from your husband
love Jan, xx

Roz said...

Hi Ronnie, wow, that is some arsenal. Somehow I'm not totally surprised by all the canes though lol


Rosie Jones said...

Another impressive collection! Makes mine look puny, I'm really letting the English side of the Pond down! I envy you the Rose paddle, I missed the boat there, sadly.

Rosie xx

abby said...

Nice collection, that rose paddle is my favorite also. One can is more than enough for me...thanks for sharing.
hugs abby

PK Corey said...

Beautiful collection! Excessive wood, I'd say. The loopy Johnny should be banned from use on humans - and canes should be banned from uses on me. I feel you have a lot of canes! All your leather implements look yummy! Thanks for showing us.

Hermione said...

A lovely collection. The Rose paddle is my favourite too.


Aimless Rambling said...

Quite an array, Ms Ronnie.

Our Bottoms Burn said...

Pleased to read that your husband still finds the "Bogey" useful. Big Grin
It remains Bacall's favorite and gets regular use.

The one just below it looks to be a great deal more serious.

I will have to re-post a picture of our toys as I see most bloggers are doing it.

Anonymous said...

I like your collection.

Downunder Don said...

Wow, that's some collection...especially the cane. I know you say you like them, but...!!!

Terpsichore said...

nice collection. I love the rose paddle too. the towel is fun - perhaps that is what I need - to lay out a spank me sign. :-) Hugs

Fondles said...

Lovely collection - and i have cane envy now. LOL

ronnie said...

Amy - Thank you. I do like Cane-Iac's toys. To link to a particular post you should first copy the title of that post then in a new post highlight a particular word - hit the link button, small screen will appear - then paste in the title you have copied and click OK. Done. Try it.

Michael - More than one:) Thanks, Be interested in seeing your collection when you return to blogging.

Lindy - Loved your collection but not that metal spatula:) Yes postage is too costly from overseas now. We've had ours for a very long time. Thanks.

Jan - Thanks. Can't let our friends across the pond thinking we are wimps in the UK:) Canes aren't all bad.

Roz - LOL. I really did think we had more canes. Thanks.

Rosie - Thanks. You should email John and ask. If I remember correctly he made a one off for a blogger but for the life of me I can't remember who.

Abby - Thank you. P says you can't have enough canes:)

PK - Yes loads of wood but mostly they are canes:) I like leather. Thanks.

Hermione - Thanks. I hope you post your collection Hermione.

SG - Thanks. Think I needs a couple more:)

OBB - I did say to P that as it's a favourite of his maybe he should feel what it's like. He didn't take me up on it:) I'd like to see your collection of toys.

Meredith - Thanks. Are you joining in?

Downunder Dom - Thanks. We only have 8 (with the one at the office):) They are different widths and lengths. Thanks.

Terps Thanks. Everyone who has the Rose paddle loves it. Thanks.

Fondles - I do love hate the cane:) Thanks.


Ella said...

Our collection definitely needs more leather. Love the rose paddle the best! It looks yummy.

Hugs Across the Pond,

Anonymous said...

So fun to view your spanky collection, Ronnie! :) WHOA! You have LOTS of canes! You have lots of... lots of things! LOL!

No silicone spatulas??? What is this world coming to? I can help you out there, if you would like. :D

That loopy johnny looks awful! I will never, ever have one. Seems as though many people are in love with that rose paddle. It is very pretty. They don't make them anymore, is that right? Enjoy! Thanks for sharing. Many hugs and love,

<3 Katie

sixofthebest said...

Ronnie, I love your array of spanking implements, which includes, those swishy canes. I hope that they all have met your bare bottom with loving delight from your husband.

Minielle Labraun said...

Holy cow! All those canes! Better you than me! Lol
I like the paddles though!

Anonymous said...

That's quite a collection! Nash would likely be jealous of all the canes. lol

ronnie said...

Ella -The rose paddle is definitely yummy. Thanks.

Katie - You can keep those spatulas thank you:) Definitely stay away from the LJ as it stings like hell. Yes everyone who has the rose paddle loves it. I'm not sure why John stopped making the rose paddles though I do know he made one for a blogger. You could email and ask if he would make one.

SOTB - More than once:) Thanks.

Minelle - The paddle is the best of the lot:) Thanks.

Lilli - I suppose we dohave a feew too many canes. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

A lovely collection ! P might like to be creative and use a different one each day until all have caressed your bottom. Being the gentleman that he is, mildly some days, and significantly other days
Bottoms up