Dear John
I hope you can help me. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching TV. I hadn't gone more than a mile down the road when my engine conked out and the car stopped.
I walked back home to get my husband's help. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. He was in the bedroom with a lady neighbour. I am 32, my husband 34 and we have been married for 12 years. When I confronted him, he broke down and admitted that he'd been having an affair for the past six months. I told him to stop or I would leave him.
He was let go from his job six months ago and he says he has been feeling increasingly depressed and worthless. I love him very much, but ever since I gave him the ultimatum he has become increasingly distant. I don't feel I can get through to him any more.
Can you help please?
Dear Stella,
A car stalling after being driven a short distance can be caused by a variety of faults with the engine. Start by checking that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the jubilee clips holding the vacuum pipes on to the inlet manifold. If none of these approaches solves the problem, it could be that the fuel pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the carburettor flat chamber.
I hope this helps,
Have a good week.
A Little Quality One-On-One Time
13 hours ago
Thanks for the heads up it makes perfect sense why men don't write advice columns. ;)
Hugs and blessings...Cat
LoL Ronnie, well, he did give good car advice :)
Sorry Ronnie... - what precisely is unpractical about this advice?!?
What a cheeky woman busting in on him like that. She should have served tea for the imposition.
Such different views of one situation....can be so true..
hugs abby
I love it how very, very true!
Well, he picked up on you first problem!
Supposedly men focus on one thing at a time!
Oh gosh, typical man!!
love Jan,xx
Thanks for the smile, Ronnie, on a Monday morning. It was even better because I was not expecting that little twist at the end.
So true! And yet, there is a very good advice column that appears weekly in our national newspaper. It is written by a man, and he gives very good advice, sprinkled with much humour.
I'm still laughing. Talk about obtuse.
Cat - Well she didn't say which part of the letter she wanted advice on:) Thanks.
Roz - That's what I thought. Thanks.
MrJ - Depends on which part she wanted the advice about:)
OBB - LOL. Thank you.
Abby - Yes, it can. Thanks.
PK - True indeed. Thanks.
Minelle - Yep. I don't think men are good at multitasking:) Thanks.
Jan - Indeed. Thanks.
Ella - Happy it made you smile. Thanks.
Hermione - I'd like to read some of the advice he gives to questions. Thanks.
SG - A male friend sent it to me. Thanks.
Nicely done. I didn't see it coming.
Oh my, I am with Sunny, talk about obtuse. Thank you for the giggle, Ronnie.
fun to read, and being a man, knew instantly where this was going!!! This is why men should write columns, to increase the humor level for some of these columns!!!
bottoms up
Well, he doesn't sound like the kind of guy who could help her with her car, so the advice was sound. And if he's out of work, she's gonna need a car to get to HER job, right? ;-)
Loved it Ronnie, it had me cracking up....
Michael - I didn't either when I first read it. Thank you.
Nina - Hello. My pleasure. Thank you.
Red - Thank you. Not read many advice columns from men. Thanks.
Smuccatelli - Looking at it that way - you are right. Thanks.
IMV - Thanks. Good to see you Glad you liked it.
Oh my, that is the very funniest post I have seen in a long time. I am still laughing.
lol! So very typical!
yes men definitely should not write advice columns. So funny though, thanks Ronnie.
Hugs Lindy
Blondie - Glad you liked it. Had me laughing as well. Thanks.
Kenzie - Certainly is. Thanks.
Lindy - Happy it gave you a smile. Thank you.
Absolutely hilarious. I'm working through some stuff right now, and this helped me more than any of the serious stuff I'm reading!!! :) Thank you so much for posting!
thanks for the smile :-) Hugs
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