Some people's New Years resolution is to stop smoking or go on a diet, exercise more etc. but mine is different. Oh I'll probably take up some of the usual resolutions (I don't smoke so I can't do that one) and they'll probably lapse before January's out but there's one I'd like to succeed with.
And that's to be spanked outdoors, don't ask me why, silly isn't it? We've never managed it.

Yes a slap on the backside as your walking along the street or a friendly pat in the wines aisle of Sainsburys but not a real outdoor spanking where I'm taken over P's knee or bent over a tree or bench, jeans and knickers taken down and spanked. Properly. With the knowledge there could be people around but not expecting to be discovered.......or would I be wanting that? Do I have some latent as yet untested desire to be caught in public?
One time when we were walking in the woods, a while back, P took out a pen knife and cut a branch, trimmed it and took me over his knee but we were disturbed by people with dogs, obviously didn't go deep enough into the woods. It hasn't happened since. I mean the al fresco spanking, not the being disturbed by people with dogs.
So that would be mine.
What would your spanking New Year's Resolution be if you decided to make one?
Wishing you success in the new year.
How about your husband giving you a spanking in Westminster Abbey at Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding. That would certainly be a wild outdoor scene.
I have no idea how deep you would need to go into "Sherwood Forest" to have some privacy. But, I think it would be worth spending a weekend on the project. Spend a night near a prospective forest and walk in the next morning. Fewer folks are out in the morning. You might need to wait until warmer weather. Take along some cuffs and rope for binding to a tree.
Do keep in mind, that people are paying much less attention to you than you might think. You are not doing anything illegal. You will never see them again.
This is exactly what we talking about yesterday!!!!..Master and i had a session with "s" and after he left she and i were fantisizing about where we would like to be spanked by Him and that is exactly what we decided we are going to work on this year...;)...get Master to take us out in the woods.....yummy!
i hope you get your "outdoor adventure"...:)
Oh wow. This is why they say different strokes for different folks! Ain't no way, no how, I'd want that!!! But I hope you get everything your wishing for and I do expect to hear about it! ;)
Hi Ronnie:
Early in the morning is the best of time. I have taken my husband in the woods, under a bridge and best of all in a truck stop. You have to want him to do it early because later in the day too many folks are out. Enjoy reading your blog. Have a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year and may your wish come true.
Hi, Ronnie!
I don't do resolutions any more. But the advice you are getting is good...pick a day/time when most people are not going to be out...early morning, while a popular programme is on tv, or what about in the rain? Put on wellies, and go off to the woods for a rainwalk! That switch would sure feel more interesting on a bare bottom getting wet due to raindrops.... xxxx
Mick - Thank you.
SOTB - How did you know we've been invited :)
OBB - Sherwood Forest, no idea, never been. I like that idea of a weekend working on my little project, you wouldn't like to suggest it to P would you :)
His Mountain Girl - Oh so do I and glad to hear I'm not the only who who wants to be spanked outdoors. Good luck to you and S.
Sara - Of course, you know me I like to share :)
Rachel - Yes your probably right, early would be the best. Thanks and the same to you for a wonderful 2011.
Daisy - So instead of raindrops it would be 'switches keep falling on my bottom' LOL. Thanks.
Good suggestions, thanks and thank you for all stopping by.
Ronnie: Hope you and P make that New Year's resolution a reality.
And I like the suggestion of bringing along the cuffs and attaching you to a tree. Lovely fantasy.
FD - So do I but not sure about the cuffs and being tied to a tree :)
Thanks for stopping by FD.
mmmmm, this is a nice one, I can certainly recommend it to you... done it in the past...
and my spanking resolution... oh my... I have no idea... i have to think about that
you have a wonderfull new year...
love and hugs, h
Fabulous idea, and I hope your dreams come true. When you are travelling, if a short vacation without kids, then opportunities exist. We once parked on the side of the road at Ben Nevis, walked up a short way, and made love. If ever back in Scotland, then it will be a spanking and making love.
Plan ahead,pack a small (or big) wooden hairbrush and your dreams will come true.
Then write about them!
Happy New Year my friend
love and hugs
Hmmmm....interesting. For the word verification thingy, I needed to type in "subfan". Kind of appropriate....
A New Year's spanking resolution? take a trip to Minnesota and we walk into the woods..... :-)
Happy New Year!
Red - I think a weekend away will have to be on the cards soon. You'll definitely have to go back to Scotland again. Thanks Red. Happy New Year to you and Cindy
Dr. Ken - Hello. "Subfan" LOL. A trip to Minnessota sounds good :). Happy New to you Dr. Ken.
Thanks, appreciate you both stopping by.
Hestia - Thanks, hope you both have a wonderful New Year's Eve.
Hiya Ronnie. My New Year's resolution is to get a spanking anywhere. They've been sorely lacking of late (or not sorely enough, as the case may be!) Anyway, all offers gratefully received :).
I hope your dream comes true though. It certainly is a nice one. Although I guess the danger of going too deep into the woods is that you come across other people who are also hiding out for a reason!
Underling hello.
I've never thought of other people deep in the woods trying to do the same thing, now wouldn't that be funny if we came upon a couple.
I hope 2011 is all you want it to be.
Thanks for stopping by.
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