Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Black Friday / Cyber Monday

A little off topic:)

I knew about Black Friday, big shopping day in the US after Thanksgiving, but I hadn't heard of Cyber Monday till last night on Sky News. I don't think it's restricted to the US, it applies to Europe too, I must be ignorant not to have been aware of it especially as I sell over the Internet.

Anyway, it explains the recent excellent few days business I've just had......those who dropped in Monday will know I was working Saturday morning (you remember, when I got spanked with that pig slapper) but I also took a lot of orders Sunday and Monday so I was really pushed on Monday and yesterday to get things out. I'd say about 500% up on my average weekend orders.

Phew! Here's to Black Friday and Cyber Monday:)



Our Bottoms Burn said...

We live in the US and had not heard of Cyber Monday until last week.


Cyber Monday was new to me, until this year. It must be good for businesses to get that bit of extra cash flow at this time of year though.


Anonymous said...

Hoorah for shopaholics!



PK said...

I don't participate usually cause I'm at work but I know a lot of friends who really jump on it. I'm glad you had a good day - just as long as you don't get to busy to email!


ronnie said...

OBB, Prefectdt - Thanks, glad I wasn't the only one who hadn't heard of it until recently. Pref - Yes, any extra cash always welcome.

Pink - I'll second that :)

PK - Never too busy to email you PK.

Thanks all.


Anonymous said...

I guess I'm wondering what exactly these ads are selling. Also, she's wearing a coat while he's naked. I'm outraged at the inequity of the genders--just once, couldn't we show men the respect they deserve! ;-)

Hermione said...

I didn't know about it either, but then, we had loads of Black Friday sales here in Canada for the first time this year.


ronnie said...

Mick -LOL, Handbags belive it or not

Hermione - I can see Black Friday sales over here next year then.

Mick, Hermione, thanks for stopping by.
