The manager of our office building's front office and reception has just taken on a new temporary secretary. I had to pop in on Wednesday because we received an invoice for service charges but the charges listed were way out of line with our actual usage and I wanted them checked. The girl wasn't in the office but the manager looked at the charges, agreed they looked out of sync with our normal pattern and apologised, said he'd certainly have a word with her.
I smiled to myself and though I know what P usually means when he says he needs to have a word about something. I doubt the new secretary will be getting a dose of it though.

Photos from - Spanking Chicago Review
I wonder how many bosses have dreamed of being able to handle problems in this way? I have a feel there are a lot of secretaries who have dreamed of it too.
Ronnie: Isn't there a Secretaries Day? Maybe there should be a Spanking Secreatries Day. LOL. Really enjoyed the pictures.
And thanks for mentioning the Chicago Spanking Review. I checked out their site and like how they want to keep it free and simple.
Maybe PK will take out the mistakes in charges on your bottom if he can not do this on the culprit. Keep your bottom ready to pay.
Rachel & aj
D always has said he would never be able to work with me, I'm hoping this is what he meant! I hope you and P have a great weekend Ronnie.
well now i want to change careers!..mmmm i wonder if Master needs any help at the office?
I love the photos... Have a great weekend!
Nice pics Ronnie. I hope P has "a few words with YOU" this weekend too!
What a treasure trove of secretary cartoons!
As a matter of fact, we do have Secretaries' Week here. I think the boss usually takes them out for lunch... or whatever.
Oh, when I was fresh out of school and working for a team of stern lawyers, I had fantasies similar to these depicted. Unfortunately for me and my perfectionism, there were rarely typos! (Although I suspect that last sentence is grammatically incorrect. Someone take me to task!)
Thanks for these cartoons; I thoroughly enjoyed them!
Enjoy your weekend, Ronnie.
I'll tell you a little secret Ronnie, I once did an off-broadway show, where I had the honor of acting out a scene that contained spanking a secretary. The show ran two years, an I can assure you Ronnie, that I had a spanking good time. By the way, it was reviewed in Time Magazine. You can bet I was in heaven, while doing the act.
Nice ones, Ronnie, and congrats on being Chrossed!
Always fun to think of someone being spanked. The cartoons are great, thanks for sharing them with us.
LOL I know the words i'll have a word and their meaning to a spanko. I 2 would have smiled to myself and wondered. I liked the cartoons as well thanks for sharing them.
I love those fifties (?) style cartoons. Those knickers are super cute!
Great pics Ronnie! (Bet you were wishing those words HAD been said to you!) xxx
PK - Oh I'm sure lots. Before I met P and worked as a secretary I had the most gorgeous boss, really good looking all the girls were very envious of me working for him and I could imagine being over his knee.
FD - Your right looked. Looked it up and I certainly will be putting the date in my diary for next year:) I like CSR site as well.
Rachel & aj - It always is :)
KayLynn - LOL, no, no, I certainly couldn't see you and D working together. Have a wonderful weekend yourself.
His mountain girl - You could always ask :)
Kitten - Thanks. Enjoy your weekend
Sara - I do like it when P has words :)
Hermione - Thank you. Lucky secretaries:) Not sure when the day was first introduced. - Your welcome, glad you enjoyed them. Well I can say I've been taken OTK a few times by my boss in the office:)
SOTB - We have a celebrity among us. Your a dark horse, tell us more. You should post about it, very interesting.
Dev - Hello and welcome, thank you. Now I know why my stats were high:)
Red - Thank you, your more than welcome.
Cookie - hello to you. Thank you.
Poppy - Hello. Some of the 50's cartoons are really amusing. You and knickers:)
Daisy - "assume the position" one of my favourites.
Thank you all so much for taking time to stop by, really appreciate it.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Hahaha! Just that phrase "Have a word with" gives me shivers..*grin* Love this! Most of these cartoons are new to me and I really enjoyed them :) Celine
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