So which is it to be for you girls?
I know what I'm going for - Bad, Sexy, that order.

....Ramblings, Observations, confessions and naughty thoughts which will probably get me spanked. This blog may contain elements of an 'adult nature' but will never intentionally offend or shock.
I think I'll pick Sweet, Sexy and Bad, in that order.
Oh, I love that black outfit on the right! And the red one on the left too.
I'll have to ask Ron which one he refers.
Black and red one for me as well.
I'm sure Ron would prefer the black outfit but only if you were wearing it :)
Thanks Hermione.
xx I have to choose?? Can't I be all three all rolled up into one?? That IS after all how HWMBA likes me best!!
love and hugs xxx
I like that M:e. HWMBA loves you anyway :)
I think I'll change my mind and be all three as well.
Love and hugs.
I'm trying to leave "bad" off the table...LOL...I'll go for sexy and sweet.
I don't think I could choose either. I would prefer to be sexy as hell but J likes me looking sweet and if I leave bad out of the mix there might not be any spanking and that would be a crying shame so for us both to be happy I absolutely refuse the choose. the red on the left is cute but I think I really like the black and red in the right middle
Hey Ronnie,
I like this exercise in futility - for me! I'll go with sexy, I try to be sweet at least to D'artagnan... but ineveitably my anger gets the best of me given I'm a mom of too many kids!! I hope you & P have a wonderful day (and night!). Hugs, KayLynn
Mouse - Sexy and sweet it good.
JSlittlelady - Your right you can leave bad out.
KayLynn - Bad, sexy and sweet I would say that would be the order for you )
Thanks for stopping by.
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