I woke around 5.30 am which isn't unusual as I'm normally awake at that time even though our alarm is set for 6.30, I was restless, thought about waking P, decided it was too early and as it was Saturday I snuggled back down.
I must have dozed because when I looked at the clock again it was nearly 6.30. I switched the alarm off. P was still sleeping so I decided to wake him personally, I moved my hand across to his chest, traced lightly around his right nipple, and tip-toed down over his stomach.. mmmmm, as I'd hoped... he had a hard on, I know about these early morning hardons, I've encountered them before, I love them and over the years I've found many ways to deal with them.
I started teasing, softly, running my fingers up and down, I felt him stir but carried on until I knew I had got his attention, then he whispered "do you know it's naughty to wake a man when he's sleeping'' but I just murmured and resumed my activity, I didn't feel any resistance, no strong hand reached out to stop me, no stern ''you'd better stop that now'', just his manhood stiffening further, a good morning stretch and massage, and when I sensed him about to turn towards me I stopped him and said no, and instead slid further under the duvet increasing my ministrations to match the involuntary rhythm building in his hips. My wicked intention of sating my morning lust with great gulps of man come was thwarted when his penis started pulsing urgently and I had to take matters in hand as it were, smiling contentedly when I felt the first hot creamy spurt discharge, the after spurts coating my fingers as I continued to pump the last drops. Well it hadn't gone quite as I'd intended but I'd nevertheless achieved my objective and in short time too, so off for a shower I went.
Perfect, I thought, what a good wife I am and then when I returned to the bedroom....what a good husband I have... as there was P sitting up in bed with the OTK cane in his hand "Back into bed'' he instructed, and a deliciously stingful spanking ensued, which left me more lustful than ever and there was no sex to sort me out, sometimes I like that. P took his shower and went happily off to the office whistling something or other.
Perfect, I thought, what a good wife I am and then when I returned to the bedroom....what a good husband I have... as there was P sitting up in bed with the OTK cane in his hand "Back into bed'' he instructed, and a deliciously stingful spanking ensued, which left me more lustful than ever and there was no sex to sort me out, sometimes I like that. P took his shower and went happily off to the office whistling something or other.
Ah well, isn't it correct for a good wife to send her man off to work with a smile on his face?
Well done friend! Yes it always good to send our men off happy. And I understand too what you mean about yourself. Sometimes the unfulfilled longing can be fun in itself - for a short time!
Nice story as for me. I'd like to read something more concerning that matter. Thank you for posting this data.
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Absolutly correct sweety! There's nothing quite like the feeling that we've made them happy is there?
love and hugs xxx
What a lucky man, and I think maybe he knows it!
PK - Thank you. Yes I do like that sometimes but your right, only for a short time though :)
123 123 - Hello and thank you.
M:e - It warms me right down to my toes :) Thanks M:e
Sara - LOL, I said that to him when I got into work that day.
Appreciate you all stopping by, thanks.
Well P is a lucky guy, not only does he get early morning relief, he also does not seem to get that painfully full bladder, that goes along with most guys sunrise stiffy. I'm a bit jealous :) *Sticks tongue out*.
Ronnie, you are so thoughtful! I'm sure most men would like to be awakened that way. Prefectdt is right, though. Not very romantic, but that's life!
Oooh, Ronnie, that was so sexy! Good on you for giving P such a good morning :D
And I agree with M:e - best feeling ever.
Prefectdt - I know P does get the full bladder feeling sometimes and when he does he can't stand my hand resting on his stomach, I think it depends whether and what time he had beer the night before :)
Hermione -Thanks. Now that could be a subject for a post.
Maggie - Thank you. I'm there to please him :)
Prefectdt, Hermione, Maggie, thanks for leaving a comment.
They say men have several hard-ons a night and I can definitely vouch for that. I wake up 'full' and will sometimes 'take action' and get a full "explosion".
I laughed at your teasing his item until it went off! I bet you 'wanted' the OTK treatment, also. (*wink*)
Sure beats an alarm clock! Think I'll show this to my wife--not that I'd be hinting anything.
Dave - Glad you enjoy it.
Mike - You'll have to tell me what she says :)
Thanks both.
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