Happy New Year.
I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. First real day back to work for me.
New Years Eve for us was quiet, at home, and most enjoyable. Son gone for the night, lights out, candles lit, DVD, bottle of wine, sporadic firework displays in the distance, all very pleasant and then a couple of minutes before midnight P hit 'pause' and I was over his lap when the clock struck twelve, receiving some delicious strikes of my own. The movie resumed after a satisfactory recess.

Our office was closed Friday as it was Bank Holiday but I popped in as I'd received a couple of web orders I wanted to get ready to send out first thing Saturday morning. I went up stairs to our second office where most of my bags are stored, searched for the stock I needed and as I moved a couple of boxes aside noticed I was squelching on the carpet and the underside of one of the boxes was wet. I called P and he came down right away with his handyman kit, I think he likes little practical emergencies really, he often says he would have preferred to do a physical job if he had his time over, rather than office based work.
Anyway it turned out the radiator had been leaking and had probably been like that over the holidays. If I hadn't gone in and spotted it the water would probably have spread across the carpet and damaged some more cartons, probably the contents too. As it happens we got two large cartons soaked but they were holding dust bags that we got from Spain, not high value and only a few were damaged. P closed the radiator down and we moved cartons onto the desk and wall storage units, putting unprotected stock outside the office door just in case. Not much worry about theft at our place and not many would be in on the weekend.
Hopefully getting fixed in the next day or so and the carpet's being replaced.
Could have been a disastrous start to my New Year but I was lucky.
Glad you stopped by! Water can do so much damage is such a short time. Your New Years celebration sounds absolutely perfect. Hope your whole year can be filled with evenings like that.
What an eventful start to the year! Lets hope there are many more of the first, and no more of the second! I'm sure you'd taking spankings over flooding anytime!
love and hugs xxx
Wow, being so industrious over the Holiday sure paid off! Glad it all worked out well. New Year's Eve sounds perfect!
Isn't it great when good things happen to good people? I love to hear of P's knowing you so well. A warm bottom is a perfect way to welcome the new year! Hugs and best wishes for a successful 2010! KayLynn
What a lovely way to ring in the new year - with your very own fireworks! We struggled to stay awake, so weren't very energetic by midnight, but enjoyed a bottle of champagne.
You were very lucky to discover the leak before much damage was done. That's a good omen for the rest of the year.
Getting your bottom warmed is certainly a great way to begin the New Year. Is that a tradition for the two of you or something new?
And good to hear the water didn't cause too much damage.
Happy New Year!!!!!
Awe... lucky you. I missed my New Year spanks that night cause Tornado (our daughter) was still awake. She just completely refused to sleep.
Glad to hear you found the leak before it got too bad.
PK - Thank you PK. Yes it could have been worse. We have had to put the handbags in our downstairs office now until we get the new carpet, can't move.
M:e - LOL, yes much prefer a spanking to a flooding.
Sara - Yes New Years Eve was perfect. One of us is usually in over the holidays but it's lucky I had orders and went upstairs.
KayLynn - Thank you , your so kind. I hope to have many many more warm bottoms through the year.
Hermione - LOL, I'm not surprised you struggled to stay awake after the champage, I would be the same, it always makes me sleepy. I hope it is a good omen for the coming year. Thanks.
FD - Hello. Something new for us as were usually away at family, think I will be staying home next New Years Eve as well :)
Sirited One - I'm glad I came in. I love the name Torando.
Thanks for stopping by. My very best wishes to you all for a wonderful year ahead.
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