I laughed Christmas morning when I saw this under the tree (it was blown up and wrapped). P must have placed it there early because I certainly would have noticed it before I went to bed.

P said he wanted to try it out first, for what I said.
For your spanking and later he sent me this picture

I should have guessed :)
Ronnie: What a clever idea. Let us know what it's like to be spanked on it.
LOL! I have been spanked over my exercise ball too. It's a great for your core, keeping your balance and all. Although it can cause great soreness in your gluts!!
lol You guys just have way to much fun, I can hardly wait til my hubby gets home Jan 15
Hugs Lil Sam
Ronnie, your husband is very creative!
Sounds like that spanking is gonna be a good one and bouncy at that!
That is an awesome idea and creative, I like it!
Hope you have a great New Years.
OH NO!! I got one for Christmas also. I wonder if that is what Wil was thinking. LOL.
Let us know how it works, a spanking and exercise all in one, what a great thought.
What a fantastic idea! P is so creative! I imagine it must be so hard to keep within his reach when you are over a ball!
I thought that's what they were made for. You mean there's another use? Meow
I never even considered the spanking possibilities of an exercise ball... what was I thinking?! I'm gonna echo everyone else - please let us know how it turns out! I'm rather intrigued :D
FD - I sure will.
PK - LOL, I can't wait.
Lil Sam - Thanks, he'll be home soon and then your fun will start.
Ally - Thanks, he certainly is
Kitten - Bouncy yes, not so sure of good :)
Kitten, I'm sorry can't seem to comment on your blog. So I'm wishing you now a Happy New Year.
Katia - I hope I do. Hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you
Janet - I'm sure it was :) Spanking and exercise, I like that.
Hermione - After reading your comment all I could see was me over the ball bouncing away everytime I got a swat. LOL, thanks for the laugh
Meow - So did I :)
Maggie - A new one for me.
Thanks for stopping both everyone.
I hope you all have a lovely New Years Eve whaever your doing and my love and best wishes for 2010.
Hi, Ronnie!
I have had one of these in the bottom of my wardrobe for 2 years, for just that purpose..... waiting for Davey to get here!!! I guess you will get to use yours before me...
It never occurred to me to blow it up for use as an EXERCISE BALL, though..... WOW!
Have a great time and don't forget we need one of your fantastically, detailed, accounts when it has been used... LOL
LOL, I just can't image how it will work but have no fear I will post and tell all about it.
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