The text in the book is in French and German, P has done the best he can to get the meaning, but if anyone reads French feel free to click and have a read. I think there should be some English pages too but they're missing, probably why I got it cheap :)
This page refers in part to Catherine de Medici (1519-1589) who apparently took pleasure whipping the ladies of her court, she made the most beautiful of her ladies and servants strip and took delight in their demeanour, then spanked them on their backsides with her hand, it gave her satisfaction to see them writhing and making movements. There are more pages but no actual text to give stories to the individual pictures.
This page refers in part to Catherine de Medici (1519-1589) who apparently took pleasure whipping the ladies of her court, she made the most beautiful of her ladies and servants strip and took delight in their demeanour, then spanked them on their backsides with her hand, it gave her satisfaction to see them writhing and making movements. There are more pages but no actual text to give stories to the individual pictures.
A few more pics here anyway, click any of them to see them better, sorry about the quality.
Ah a man involved but it looks like he's comforting (or ravishing) the girl while another wields the birch.
Looks like it's taken from a genuine schoolroom of the day with two naughty girls getting punished
Just three girls having fun
What beautiful pictures! That book was a true find. My daughter is taking French but I don't think I have her try to interpert just yet!
Lovely to see you, your always welcome here PK.
Yes I agree a very good find, will post more sometime.
No, not a good idea to ask your daughter but I would be interested to know what else it says. Wished I'd paid more attention to my French teacher.
Thanks PK
The pictures are enticing and really make me wish I'd paid more attention in all those French classes in high school, too!
Makes me wonder even more about the birch... always wanted to try it, but never have, though we've tried lots of other naturally growing plants and switches and such.
Big furry hugs!
Hi Ronnie:
These ladies Ronnie...these ladies, what's up with them? Didn't any of the men spank back then? Maybe they spanked so much because they were so un-empowered back then? I love the pictures...and PK's comment..too funny.
Take care,
I speak a little french, but not enough for such material! great pics! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Tiggs - I'm the same, plenty of spankings with different kinds of switches, some very stingy. I wonder if the birch would be any different to the switches? Maybe somebody has tried one and could let us know :)
Andrades - I'd love top see some men invloved as well, not sure why the book is all girl on girl but it doesn't detract from the lovely sensual aspect.
There are actually loads of accounts of men enforcing discipline in earlier centuries certainly in the UK, in fact the English were noted for such practices. It seems the French and other warmer European countries handled the erotic side more openly than the Brits who were probably less honest about the frissons that go with the territory.
Daisy - hi, a little too much text I think but yes the pictures are lovely.
Thanks for stopping by all.
Ronnie,Lovely pictures. They remind me of "The Pearl", that Victorian magazine of erotic naughtiness. The paperback version did not come with illustrations, but these wil ldo nicely.
Lovely images. I thought that the pose of the man and woman embacing~ the one with a second woman with birch?~ I thought the pose between the man and the woman was sensual and vulnerable.
Thank you for sharing the images. *smiles*
Hi Ronnie:
Just me again...I just wanted to make sure you knew that I wasn't being critical...I LOVE the pictures, I just find it so interesting that almost all of the vintage pictures that I have found have also been with women only. I think the women are beautiful tho. We women sure do have gorgeous bodies :)
This spanko world sure is an interesting one isn't it?
Have a great weekend. And I loved your letter to P on Fantasy Friday.
Take care,
Hermione - hi, happy you enjoyed them. Reviews of the "The Pearl" are good. Not read read it myself, have to keep a look out for a copy.
Shannee - hello, lovely to see you here, thanks. Oh I so agree, some of the older black and white pics are very sensual. I think there is one more picture of a man in the book, rest all females,
Andrades - hello again, no, no, didn’t think that at all but thanks for coming by again. Just seen you have a new post, will go and have a read asap.
Enjoy your weekend.
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