Friday 12 January 2024

Just a simple meme.

I hope your New Year has started well.

1. Are you a top, bottom or do you switch?
A bottom that sometimes tops from the bottom and gets spanked for it..

2. Do you like to be spanked?
Come on, it's Ronnie you're asking. You bet I do.

3. Knickers or no knickers?
Depends. I like it when P tells me he is going to take my knickers down to spank me harder:)

4. Have you been spanked more than once in a day?
Oh yes. Once I got spanked 3 times in one day.

5. How do you like to be spanked?
Every day with his hand, but P decides when and how I'm spanked.

6. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Taking over him. Have had many spankings because of it and using bad language.

7. What's your spankers favourite implement?
It used to be a small holey paddle. A gift from Bogey and Bacall ages ago, but now it's a loopy he made.

8. Do you have to count your spanks?
On occasion. Don't like it.

9. Your favorite implement, and favourite position for a spanking?
The leather thorn paddle OTK.

10. Are your weapons of ass destruction on display?
No, only the wooden spoons in the kitchen and bath brush in the bathroom

11. Your most dreaded implement, and worst position.
For me it's the small wooden holey paddle that used to be P's favourite. I hate wooden implements.
I don't have a spanking position I don't like. 

12. Do you have to wear a particular pair of knickers to get spanked in.
No, but I like to wear these on occasion.

13. Do you have any pictures of your spanked bottom.
Loads. Well not me, P has them. 

14. Are you being spanked right now?
Would be difficult as I'm doing this meme.

15. Name one thing you get spanked for?
See my answer to no 6.

16. Do you name your implements?

Thanks, anon for the meme.

Have a fun weekend.



Roz said...

Enjoyed reading your answers to these Ronnie, love the knickers and wouldn't like the thought of having to count either.

Hope you have a great weekend 😊


Hermione said...

I too like the knickers. What a fun meme!


Prefectdt said...

That is a nice meme.


Anonymous said...

Roz - Thanks. I bring them out now and again:)

Hermione - Thanks. I do like a meme.

Pref - Yes I thought so. Hope all's well.Thanks.


Fondles said...

Great answers. Enjoyed the knickers too!

Ronnie Soul said...

Fondles - Thanks. My favourite pair.


TTWD said...

nice to read