Monday 15 February 2021

Happy Vaccination Day

We don't do Valentines as such, never have really, not even back in 'the old days' when it was possible to go out for meals. Usually it wouldn't have been the best of meals anyway because restaurants would be jammed with tables for 2, so reducing their capacity and therefore profitability. I know because we were part of the hospitality sector for many (enjoyable) years.

So I was surprised to see a little brown buff envelope on the dining table saying 'Happy V.....', it was in P's hand. I was shocked and walked past it, almost scared to pick it up, I needed a mug of tea to fortify me. A few minutes later I retrieved the envelope, still wary and just a teeny bit excited. I opened it to find a little card perfectly cut to size, I recognised it from our stationery collection and it had obviously been trimmed to fit. How thoughtful but there was nothing on it. He'd inserted it the wrong way so I pulled it right out and turned it over, it said, 'Happy Vaccination Day' with a hand drawn smiley, then underneath it said I would get spanked later, after getting the jab........just in case. WTF? In case of what?
P was in the garage, I phoned him, ridiculous I know but it was really cold and I didn't want to go out to the garage but I did want to know what he meant by 'just in case'. I could hear the humour in his voice when he told me it was nothing to worry about and he was sorry if I'd read bad things into it. He explained that apparently people have reported feeling a bit under the weather for a few days after the jab, not everyone but some, and you never know I could be one of them or even he or, worse, both of us could. He hastened to add that it was very unlikely that he would be adversely affected (he always shakes off flu and colds and stuff quicker than anyone else...he claims). So, to get to the point, he was going to spank me while I was feeling good and happy to have got the opportunity of an early jab. He said I was due a spanking anyway but I could regard this one as being in lieu of a Valentine's present.
So that was it. Relief and I suppose a spanking is a good present. Hopefully very good, I thought.
How come the early jab? I don't know maybe they've got surplus capacity in our area, it was just a phone call out of the blue to P at the end of last week asking if he'd be interested in receiving one. He said yes of course and then asked if they could make it two and they said yes:)

And spanking was a very good one:)

Stay safe.

Have a good week.


Roz said...

Hi Ronnie,

Well, that's certainly a different take on Valentine's day lol. Very 2020/21 lol. P was definitely thinking ahead. I love the reasons you two come up with to spank. Glad it was a good one :)

On a serious note, I'm so glad that you were both able to get an early jab and hope you don't feel any effects.

We are under some restrictions again for three days with one part of the country at a higher level and the rest at low level restrictions due to a couple of cases of the UK strain in the community. Praying the get on top of it and stop further cases. Our Government has again moved quickly out of caution.


morningstar said...

LOVE! love! your Valentine's gift - both the jab and the spanking :)

Can I say I'm just a little jealous ... of both (grinning) ahh well our time will come too - eventually!!

Glenmore said...

Lucky you Ronnie...a covid jab and a spanking non the same day!
We won't be seeing any jabs in Canada anytime soon as our incompetent PM Trudeau messed the whole thing up by trying to buy jabs from China instead of more reliable options.
As a result Canada is at the back of the line when it comes to receiving jabs.
Good news is I'm at the front of the line when it comes to a spanking !

Hermione said...

Hi Ronnie,

I echo what Glenmoretales said. Canada has even promised to send excess vaccine to developing countries! Wait! Give it to your own citizens first please.

Glad you got yours.


PK said...

You are full of good news! A shot for you both, a handmade card, a spanking - sounds good all around!

Minielle Labraun said...

I agree with everyone here! You are luckily the beneficiary of lots of good V tidings, no matter how it’s labeled! ;)

Anonymous said...

ROnnie: What an absolutely perfect Valentine's day. P is such a delightfully pleasant person. With our idiot Trudeau, we can look forward to the same as you, one year from now. He will even thank himself after we get the jab, if still alive.
bottoms up

ronnie said...

Roz - Thanks. Only effects are a stiff arm which I still have today. If I'm right, your Government locked down straight away when cases became know mnuch better than our Government.

Morningstar - Thank you. The whole world need the jab before we all feel safe. I hope it's not too long before the vaccine roll out speeds up for you.

Glenmore - Thanks. I didn't realise Canada was so far behind. I hope he can get his act together and start receiving vaccines soon.

Hermione - Thank you. Second dose around 12 weeks. I agree, give jabs to your own citizens first then to other countries.

PK - I couldn't have asked for more. Thanks.

Minelle - It was a good Valentine's day. Thanks.

Red - Thanks. It was a good day, jab and a spanking. Surely it wont be that long before you get your vaccinations.


Blondie said...

That's awesome that you were able to get the vaccine. And I can't think of a better Valentine's day present than a spanking.

Fondles said...

Oh congrats. I didn't have any issues with both my jabs either. They say some are hit worse than others... so I suppose it's the luck of the draw.

ronnie said...

Blondie - Hello. Good to see you. To have the jab and then a spanking a lovely Valentin'es day. Thanks.

Fondles - Thanks. Yes hits some people hard. Just a sore arm for me which lasted about 3 days.
