Monday 18 May 2020

In with the New - Another May Edition

Is anyone else finding the days are going slower than before this Lockdown?

Mainly Twitter for your pleasure.  Hope you enjoy the sites we've found.

A Young Couples Diary
Young marriage. Passion for music, graphic design and photography.

Molly Sanders
Molly is liberal and conservative at once with traditional manners in a new world.

I code, I draw, and I give spanking.

Paddle that Ass
Interested in the art of spanking.

Just your fun friend of a human being, motivational king, and kind hearted spanko.

Tan it Good 2  (may need to sign in or register)
Lots of grown women being soundly spanked, hot red bottoms, emotional response, young adults and mature.

Dark Vintage
French educator and filmmaker punishes girls who behave badly. 

Love 2 Be Spanked  (may need to register or sign in)
Sometimes spankings are the best answer.

Mr. Dramatic Montana McGrumpyPants No Sir 
100% top has a heavy right hand and is never hesitant to bend a brat over his knee. 

Disneyphile, technophile, & would-be foodie. Expert drinker, kinker, spreadsheet creator, and cheekyspankos member. Lover of spankings, Packers and tequila.

Marc Strict 

Marika B
Spanking, puns, butts, adventures, Netflix marathons, kinky fun, sarcasm, hedgehogs, scuba, kindness, wit, generosity, laughter.  Be real, be you.

Typicial Brat. Likes football. Not interested in sessions or modeling.

Stella Melon
She/her Revolving hearts Switchy bi spanking enthusiast, also fond of blankets/snuggles/pizza/tea.

A quirky pansexual spanko.

Thanks to Bonnie for her contribution.

Let me know if the picture is yours.

Stay safe. Have a good week.



Roz said...

Hi Ronnie,

Yep, days seem slow, that's if I know what day of the week it is lol. Thanks for the links. Hope you have a great week:)


Anonymous said...

Esto es fantástico.
Gracias por lo enlaces.

ronnie said...

Ronnnie - Thank you.

Raphael - Gracias.
