Friday 10 April 2020

Scrabble.... you like playing Scrabble? We do. Hadn't played it for a while until the past couple of weekends.  P's good at it.

I used to try and find spanking related words for a little fun

as I did last weekend but couldn't get many to fit in.

When you play, do you try and find words to do with spanking?

Have you ever played a whole game with just spanking related words. How did it work out or was it impossible?

Have a fun weekend.



Fondles said...

I've thought about a spanking scrabble game, but never got round to it.

Hope you had fun!

Roz said...

Hi Ronnie,

I can't remember the last time I played scrabble. A spanking related game sounds like fun :)


Glenmore said...

Hi Ronnie
Check out the post on my blog on March 26th for the result of our 'spanking sccrabble' game. You can guess who won and what the prize was.
You have to loosen the rules somewhat to make it work and cheaters get spankec of course!

morningstar said...

ummmmmmm spanking scrabble you say Ronnie?!! that does sound like fun!! maybe I can entice Sir Steve to go find our Scrabble buried somewhere in the basement among all our camping gear...........

Spanking Scrabble would definitely make a nice change from 'beginners Scrabble' with the lil one :)

PK said...

Scrabble - not a game I've ever played. It would be like a fish trying to play football. I can't spell! But I'm glad you enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Scrabble is not my thing, but Cindy is a wiz at it, playing with friends online. Stay safe.
bottoms up

Kenzie said...

Spanking scrabble sounds like fun!! I'll have to try that sometime.

Hermione said...

I haven't tried it but a spanking theme sounds like fun. I haven't played in years, and we don't have a game at the moment.



Spank related scrabble does sound like a fun thing to try. As long as the players don't get bratty and start throwing the tiles around. That could be dangerous, someone might lose an i :)


ronnie said...

Fondles - Now's the time. Thanks.

Roz - You'll have to give it ago. Thanks.

Glenmoretales - Thanks. Will check it out.

Morningstar - It's not always easy to fit the words in. Thanks.

PK - I'm not the best at spelling either and that's probably why P wins all the time. Thanks.

Red - You should try it. Thanks

Kenzie - Let us know if you do. Thanks.

Hermione - Never played a whole game with just trying to find spanking related words yet. Thanks.

Prefectdt - Very good:) Thanks.
