I told P his temper was getting frayed on Friday. He lost patience
with an online chat operative from our energy provider. It's unlike him,
he's generally calm and logical but if the operative could have heard
the language he was using she would almost certainly have terminated the
chat. As it was she only got his words via keyboard but I'm sure they
were cutting enough and eventually P terminated the chat because he
wasn't getting anywhere with her. An intellect gap he called it, a big one, useless, he muttered as he put his ipad down.
It was, in brief, over their offer to extend our contract on favourable
fixed price terms to July 2021 but P found other companies offering
better deals and tried to reason with them to match. Waste of time.
Crazy how companies take loyal customers for granted and try to stiff
them while chasing new customers with super deals.
I told him to calm down and watch his words, the operative was probably
looking at a screen which told her exactly what she could and couldn't
do, the rules were set way up the management chain, not her fault. He
knew all that, he said, but it was still frustrating. Anyway he
concluded that energy deals were probably going to get cheaper with the
low oil and gas prices so he said he'd wait a couple of months and
re-assess. He likes to end on a positive note. I smiled and said yes,
good idea.
He told me not to patronise him and came across to the sofa where I
was sitting, plonked himself next to me and dragged me across his lap.
He pulled my long sweat top up, to get at my jeans fastenings I hoped,
but saw I had a belt on and must have decided he couldn't be bothered to
undo it because he just started spanking me. I was laughing and telling
him he couldn't do what he was doing (I know play from real) but he
assured me he could and was. He did it for two or three minutes at the
end of which my backside was mildly tingling and I would have liked more
but hey-ho, a spanking's a spanking even if it's play and it did signal
the prospect of more activity later so I didn't push my luck. Instead I
made sure I brushed against him more and dropped the slightest little
bit of flirtiness into normal conversation, it worked and although it
didn't get me spanked again it did relieve me of the feeling of wanting
to be:)
I'm so sad that our world is in a dark place right now.
Have a good week and keep safe.
Monday, 23 March 2020
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Hi Ronnie,
Ugh, I can understand P's frustration, my language would have been just as colourful. Yay for getting a playful spanking out of it. Glad you two are finding some fun during these difficult times. We essentially go into lockdown from Wednesday here.
An opportunity lost Ronnie!
P deserved a good spanking for being so rude to the poor young lady.
It's not her fault if het company will not empower her to offer a proper solution.
Time to have P bend over for 6 of the best....he can hardly argue that he doesn't deserve it!
thank you for the spanking story please keep them coming.
agree with GLenmore, but a very satisfactory outcome was arrived at by all. Glad you are both having fun. Keep smiling, and singing, as Dame Vera Lynn , at age 103 stated on her birthday a couple of days ago.
bottoms up
I'm just happy these days to be kept in with Nick and I'm sure you feel the same way about P. If you have to be stuck in, we have some of the best people in the world to be stuck with. You were able to get a spanking and more from his anger. Can't do much better than that.
We'll be fine if we can all keep calm and carry on spanking!
Roz - It's unusual for him. Yes gotta to have a little fun. Stay safe. Thanks.
Glenmore - LOL. Didn't even think of it. I'll remember it for next time, if there is one. Thanks.
Anonymous - Thank you and thanks for stopping by to read.
Red - Our world is in a bad place at the moment. So a little light relief is very welcome. Thanks.
PK - The Uk is in partial lockdown now and yes it's good we have our men with us. Thanks.
Hermione - I hope we all can. Thanks.
Windy - Hello. You too. Thanks.
Nomadicnickey - Thanks and thanks for the link
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