Friday 31 January 2020

"I masturbated in the shower"

I didn't really but that's what I told my husband to get his attention. We were both in bed and awake, the heating had just kicked in and I felt P stir and turn over the way he does when he's about to get up. I was snug but wide awake and horny as hell, could I have been dreaming? No idea but if I was I wish I could remember it. Anyway I reached across and put my hand on P's buttock just before he slid out of the duvet, That stopped him dead and he waited a few seconds to see what came next if anything or was it just a casual touch as I stretched to enjoy the warmth on his side of the bed. It wasn't casual and I squeezed his bum cheek and felt the muscle respond.

"I haven't got time for that," he said but nonetheless his torso relaxed back down onto the mattress and he half turned towards me. "I've got to be in Coventry by 10.30 am," he reminded me.

"Drive faster," I told him. He laughed, that's the opposite to what he usually hears me say.

I asked him if he had time for a little sin before he went. He said he didn't think anything we did in bed was sinful but if it was it might be fun. He patted my hand and went to get out of bed again. I had to think quickly and I remembered a blog post about a woman getting spanked for masturbating in the shower on a Sunday. 'Sinful Sunday' she'd called it. (sorry can't find the link)

"I did something sinful yesterday," I said. That stopped him in his tracks.

Oh?" He told me to go on.

"Yes I masturbated in the shower yesterday." He was standing now and just went mmm lovely for you. "And I'm going to do it again today after you've left the house," I added.

That got his attention. He clambered back onto the bed, pulled the duvet right back and dragged me across his thighs and started spanking me very hard.

"I don't know what's got into you and I don't know whether you're telling me the truth about yesterday or your intention for today but if you do masturbate in the shower it will be with a very sore bottom and I don't think you'll be wanting to stand under the water jets for too long." I could hear mirth in his voice but he was still spanking hard and I was struggling to get off his legs which he soon stopped by wrapping his right leg across the backs of my knees.

After three or four minutes, which seemed a lot longer, he stopped and shoved me off him. I was breathless from the speed and ferocity with which it had happened. He got off the bed and headed for the bathroom. I snatched the duvet back over me and hugged it, it was still warm and my bottom was blazing. As he went out the door he called back.

"I shall revert to this little incident later in the week and ask you if you really did what you said and if you did I shall take the cane to you so be warned." Oh god that sent a shiver down me, just the way he said it and my hand went 
instinctively to my bottom. God it was hot and so was I and I almost...almost....

But I didn't. I was downstairs sipping a mug of tea when he left the house after giving me a peck on the cheek and a warning not to be naughty girl. But fuck, he does make it difficult for me:)

Have a fun weekend.



Roz said...

LoL Ronnie,

I love this! You sure tell a story so well. How inventive and quick thinking of you. Glad it got you the desired result :) I love the different ways you come up with to encourage P to spank you.


Terpsichore said...

so fun for you! :-)

PK said...

You're caught! You could be caned for what you told him or hmm... what is your penally for lying? Good luck!

Hermione said...

How naughty you were, lying to P like that. You deserved your spanking (and a lot more, which I hope was forthcoming when he got home *wink*)


ronnie said...

Roz - I've had a lot of practice:) Thanks.

Terps - You have to have some fun. Thanks.

PK - The cane it was. Thanks.

Hermione - I had to wait a few days but it was worth it:) Thanks.


Fondles said...

i'm with roz. you're awesome at telling a story! this was a fun read. thanks for sharing!

1ManView said...

Naughty again I see. But next time give us the ending of the story.. :)

peace and love

ronnie said...

Fondles - You are Roz are so very kind to say. Thank you.

1MV - Come back tomorrow:) Thanks.
