Monday, 7 October 2019

Brexit to cause rise in 'dogging'

Has the world gone mad, is it just the UK with this terrible disease of brexit afflicting every part of our lives, even the (for my husband) sacrosanct Sunday Times serious journalists seem to be losing it. Yesterday they seriously included this in another (aren't we getting sick of all this) article on the dreaded brexit. They opine that lorry traffic jams in the south east of the country could cause an explosion in an area already apparently having more dogging sites than the rest of the country.

God knows what our European counterparts will make of articles like this in one of our most respected newspapers. For those who don't know what 'dogging' is, it is having sex in public places where total strangers can turn up and watch. The only reason I know about it is ages ago there was an article about it which involved spanking prior to the sex act by a couple and I googled it out of curiosity (as you do). I mean nothing wrong with spanking and sex, not even if performed to an audience, but when carried out in public lay-bys or on commons or beauty spots where people walk their dogs or kids might go I think it's a bit much.

But then for a serious major British newspaper to include it in its never-ending 'brexit chronicle'...P was gobsmacked, so much so that he didn't even use bad language when he sent me the link.

Have a good week.



Roz said...

Hi Ronnie,

Hmm, very curious article, I wonder what possed them! I hadn't heard the term before, apart from in the equestrian context.


Hermione said...

I learned something new today. Never heard of dogging before, but then, you can blame Brexit for just about anything:)


PK said...

As far as I can tell, yes! The world is going crazy.

Ella said...

Newspapers are quickly becoming extinct. We do not subscribe anymore. Perhaps they are looking for ways to hold the public's interest. Thanks for the info on "dogging." A new term for me.

Hugs Across the Pond,

Spankedhortic II said...

Special "Dogging" car parks with high hedges around could be both a solution and a commercial opportunity. As for Brexit, if it goes no deal, I'm looking at the possibility of losing my job, my house and the ability to live in the country that I have called home for over twenty years now. All because of a referendum that I was not even allowed to vote in. I too am sick and tired of hearing about this mess. It's about time they sorted their lives out.


Anonymous said...

I have heard of dogging, yes. I would never participate in it, but I would insist on changing the name if this activity interested me. Laughing. Gross. I don't even consider what Storm and I do in the privacy of our bedroom sexwise as "dogging" and I would spank HIM if he ever suggested we call it that! HAHAHA! Hugs, Windy

ronnie said...

Roz - I'd only heard it the equestrian context until I read an article about dogging in the countryside a while back. Thanks.

Hermione - It's a complete mess. 3 years and still going on. Thanks.

PK - I've thought that for a long time. Thanks.

Ella - Luckily we have still have printed papers like the Sunday Times which P actually goes to the newsagents to get it. If you want to read online you have to subscribe. Thanks.

Prefectdt - Oh no. Sorry to hear that. I do think we will go out, but please not without a deal. Yes, everyone is sick and tired of it. Keeping everything crossed for you. Thanks.

Windy - LOL. I certainly wouldn't go and watch couples. Thanks.


Janne Anders said...
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