My husband mumbled it to me on the weekend as we exited a Blacks Leisure store.
"What?" I asked, not having a clue what he was on about.
"Smiths and Blacks," he said. "Remember what I said about buying a card
from W H Smith the other day and they wouldn't give me a little paper
bag to put it in (they always used to) but they would sell me one for
five pence?"
"Vaguely," I said. I remembered it a bit better than vaguely because
he'd harped on about it somewhat. He doesn't like WH Smith ever since
getting ripped off (his words) by them at an airport and being too tight
for time to do anything about it.
"Well contrast my experience with them, and your experience at the desk
with Blacks Leisure. They provided you with a bag with pleasure without
being asked and smiles and a thank you to go with it. No wonder Smiths
came bottom in a retailer survey of most disliked shops on the High
Hmm he had a point. I don't like Smiths myself and just use them
occasionally as they are a convenience. But I don't like it when stores
lie about 'having to charge' by law for bags because it just isn't true,
they only have to charge for plastic bags. They can give as many flimsy
little paper ones away as they like. Or, in the case of Blacks, really
nice well made paper ones with handles and their logo on them.
"Good point, pity Blacks don't do cards then, you'd know where to go," I said with a smile as we walked out into the sunlight.
"Are you trying to be funny?" my husband asked. He does get all serious
about quite minor things sometimes but they pass quickly if no one
(usually me) takes him up on them.
"No not at all, P, I agree with you. Why not drop them a line. In fact
why not drop a nasty line to Smiths and a nice line to Blacks."
"You are being funny," he said but I was already going through the
doorway of another store and didn't reply because it's a store he
doesn't go into and he had his own stuff to do anyway. I wondered if he
might revert back to it later when we met up at JL for coffee but he
didn't. Pity, I might have worked a spanking out of it but never mind
there's another time:)
Thursday's GIF
1 hour ago
Hi Ronnie, shame this didn't get you a spanking. Perhaps you could cheekily mention it again and apologise for being funny :)
The whole bag thing is a nightmare and real pain in the butt when shopping. Single use plastic bags are now banned here, but I'm not entirely sure what is meant to constitute single use. Some shops, particularly clothing stores still give you the sturdier plastic bags. It does seem to differ from store to store.
If only it were that easy to get Nick worked up about something. I definitely think you could go back and revisit this for best results. Let us know if you do.
(grinning) what PK said! if only it was that easy to get Sir Steve worked up - god only knows I have tried (cheeky grin)
Plastic bags are a headache here... we are supposed to purchase and use multi use material shopping bags..... and I have a slew of them which usually get left at home or worse still in the trunk of my car...
Hi Ronnie :) I don't believe I've ever commented here before, but I read often knowing that your posts are always good for a giggle or two. Am I wrong in thinking you're always on the hunt for a spanking? Maybe I'll have to start at the beginning and pick up a few tricks and learn how to poke the bear a bit.
I don’t go into Smith’s anymore, Ronnie. Not just because of the bags - I hadn’t noticed their lack - but it is such a gloomy place nowadays.
Shame you didn’t manage to get a spanking but I’m sure you’ll find another opportunity!
Incidentally, I’m never without a bag as I keep the Emma Bridgewater one you gave me in my handbag ;)
Rosie xx
Hi Ronnie,
We have to pay for plaxtic bags in some stores but not others. NEver heard of paying for a tiny paper bag for a card. I never leave the house without a reuseable bag in my hand, and have a bag full ofthem in the car for grocery shopping.
I think all our W.H.Snith stores have disappeared. We have Chapters and Indigo for books and gifts.
A missed spanking opportunity just makes the next one more meaningful and fun. When about to be spanked, you could always say I hope you are not mad about Smith's paper bag charges still. Being that cheeky should get you extra spanks, when normally the spanking would have stopped.
bottoms up
Roz - I'll manage to wangle one:) It's law in the UK that shops chagre for plastic bags but some don't. Thanks.
PK - I'm sure there will be another opportunity:) Thanks.
Morningstar - Keep trying:) I always forget to take one into thes hops with me. Thanks,
Penelope - Hello. LOL not always, does it seem I am. Thanks.
Rosie - It is gloomy. Some bright spark must have come up with the idea to turn the lighting down and yes now gloomy. I should buy myself one and use it. Thanks.
Hermione - Shops are supposed to charge 5p for small plastic bags but not all do it. Supermarkets have plastic bags for life which costs 10p and once it tears you get another one. I do have material ones in the car. Thanks.
Red - I'll have to remember next time I'm OTK. Thanks.
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