That was what my husband said before he led me into the house, took down
my shorts and spanked me, good and hard as they say. Well it didn't
seem very good to me at the time, at least not at the start, but then
spankings never do when they are settling arguments, especially when
both sides believe they're right. Anyway I warmed towards the end of it,
well you don't have much choice when you're getting your backside well
tanned, and accepted P's point of view.
We'd been sitting in the garden Saturday afternoon with a mug of tea, it
was really warm, not sunny but close, the kind of weather you get the
odd summer spots of rain but ignore them because you know they won't
develop into anything. We were talking, me mainly, about holidays which P
has conceded we will organise soon, he wants Spain so that he can brush
up his Spanish but I told him the exchange rate has made it one of the
most expensive short haul destinations. He said that didn't matter,
ha ha, funny how it doesn't matter when it's him wanting to do it. Anyway
I'm digressing a bit, the disagreement wasn't about the holiday
although it was that conversation which started it. The actual
disagreement was about teaching our granddaughter to swim and it came
about because P had taught our son to swim before he was eighteen months
old, in a pool and in the sea too, and he mentioned asking our son and
family if they'd like to spend a few days or longer by the sea
depending what they had on. That led him to reminisce briefly and
mention swimming. I told him I thought our granddaughter was a bit too
young at nine months but I also thought it was her dad's job not her
granddad's. Well that started him off.
He said he'd check it out with our son and, why hadn't he thought of it
before, he would take our little treasure to the local pool just to get
her used to the water and to assess how she responded. I reasserted my
belief that she's still a bit young but he would have none of it. Then
he had a thought, how would he do the changing stuff, he wasn't very
good at that and she's a girl so he couldn't take her into the men's
changing room. I told him not to be daft she's a baby so of course he
could but he wasn't comfortable with the idea. Then he said I'd have to
come too. Now I don't really swim and I hate public swimming pools but he said I could just
come anyway and take her into the ladies' changing room and then bring
her into the pool and he'd take over, no need for me to even get wet. I
told him that was ridiculous and he should just forget the idea for a
few months at least, but P doesn't give up on ideas so easily. Anyway we
both thought we were right and I said I wasn't going to do it because I
genuinely think she's too young. He said he was asking for my
assistance, he said, was I going to give it or not. I said not and that
was when he got up and took me by the arm into the house. I hadn't even
finished my tea.
He spanked me on the sofa, me across his left leg with my feet still on
the floor with his right leg locked across the back of my knees to hold
me still. My shorts were round my ankles, they actually got kicked off
during the spanking, I didn't have any knickers on. Our windows and
patio doors were wide open and our neighbours both sides were outside
enjoying the weather so I didn't want to make a noise squealing even
though I wanted to because it hurt. But surely they must have heard the
slaps and wondered what they were, I hissed at P to stop but he wouldn't
although he was obviously concerned by the prospect of being heard as
he was keeping his voice low as he reprimanded me. When he stopped, he
made some comment about my backside being just about red enough for me
to start being a bit more cooperative and supportive and such like
drivel. He again asked me if I would assist him and this time I said I
would if dad and mum also thought it was a good idea. It was my
compromise and P accepted it, he even said it was sensible, then the bugger laid his hand on my bottom and said, "There, we could surely
have sorted that out without me having to bring you inside and spank
"My fault and I deserved it," I said meekly, little spank slut that I
am, "I know you're only thinking of our granddaughter and it's a very
nice thought." I knew my husband had got a hard on because I could feel
it against my left hip. I asked him if I could go and finish my tea now
but he said it would be cold, tepid at best. Why didn't he make us both a
fresh one when we came downstairs. I said I didn't know we were going
upstairs. "Oh we are," he said as he fondled my spanked bottom.
And we did.
Have a good week.
She Wore It Around The House
7 hours ago
Hi Ronnie,
Sounds like this ended well :) that is a tough one. I agree about talking to your son and partner. The impression I get, rightly or wrongly, is that a number of people take their babies swimming very young.
‘Don’t argue with me.’ That never bodes well, though it turned out well for you in the end - or on your end!
My daughters swam like fishes from an early age. I took the elder one to mother and baby swimming classes when she was six months old and she loved it. The second one also took to it like a duck to water, though she started a bit later. A few years on, Harry took them to the local baths before school twice a week - I’ve never liked swimming.
I think there are more classes catering for tiny tots now - you can buy special swim nappies for them too! I’m sure P will bring the subject up diplomatically with your son and his wife!
Rosie xx
Just think, Ronnie. Ten years from now when your little treasure turns into a bigger treasure and she calls you to watch her swim across the pool, you can think back to this discussion with P. You won't tell her, but you'll know that you took that spanking with her best interests in mind.
Hugs Across the Pond,
"Don't Argue with Me", I know these words so well, My wife with a very stern voice, when I'm going to get a spanking. The worse was prior to our marriage, I thought she was going to be gone shopping for a couple of hours, she came home early and caught me masturbating in the bathroom. To the front room, I said something and heard for the first time "Don't argue with me". I was not done, erection throbbing and I stood in the front room, she pulled a chair to the middle of the room. Don't want to hear why she said sternly, finish, and best be quick about it. I did as told, she had given me a towel, and when I finished I got the first adult spanking, learned not the last. I was a total mess, she just smiled when she stood me up, told me to finish undressing and to stand, not move, hands at side in the middle of the room.
Sounds as if you both enjoyed the compromise.
I agree with Rosie that swim lessons, which start with simply playing in the pool with other parents and infants is the best way to start, as early as possible.
I am certain that your neightbors know of you being spanked, if your houses are close, the windows are open. and they are outside.
Hopefully, they also heard you romantic love making and orgasms soon there after.
This might encourage them to follow this wonderful method of solving an argument (it does not matter who is wrong).
wonderful to read. Thanks
bottoms up
Babies do seem to get taken to swimming classes at a very early age now, and the diapers are spill-proof so nothing contaminates the water. But it really is up too the parents to decide. Let us know what they think of P's idea.
I think that you should have had a chance to finish that cup of tea. It's a shame to waste good tea :)
I think the real argument might come if mum and dad don't agree with P giving the lil' one lessons...
Love the story especially your intentional "meek" response at the end.
Shame you were spanked but OK that you got some sex at the end.
Not my business but I agree with you that Grandfathers should leave the swim training to the parents. Apart from anything else what if something went wrong at the pool? Nightmare.
Roz - Thanks. I've been doing a little reading on baby swimming.
Rosie - Thanks. Ben took to the water really well. I've read about those nappies. We'll see what son and dil say.
Ella - LOL. I'll remember what you said when that happens. Thanks.
Anonymous - I bet you've had a lot more since then. Thanks.
SG - We did indeed. Thanks..
Red - Thanks. I agree with the playing in the pool anf getting used to the water. I doubt very much our neighbours know about our spankings.
Hermione - I don't think P wants to take her to swimming lesson, but just teach her himself. Thanks.
Prefectdt - I totally agree, definitely a same to waste a cuppa. P did make us both a fresh one after. Thanks.
Enzo - Thanks. If son and dil say no that will be it, P wont mind.
Michael - I didn't mind the spanking:) I think son should do the teaching as well. Not asked son and dil yet so well see. Thanks.
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