Well it wasn't quite that straightforward, I was actually spanked for
pulling the rear view mirror off - completely off - the windscreen of
P's car. I didn't even know they could come off, I thought they must be
moulded into the glass or something when the cars were made. Anyway I
found out, as we were entering Waitrose car park, they can come off and
it did when I turned it to towards me to adjust my lipstick. It fell
down and just swung there from a bunch of cables. P wasn't amused.
"Well don't just leave it swinging," he said, "support it until I park and then I'll sort it out."
I felt guilty but then angry that it had fallen off, I hadn't wrenched
it or anything. Well we parked and P took hold of it and after a bit of
figuring out, took the case off and unplugged the cables and laid it on
the back seat. He couldn't understand how it had parted from the glass,
there were no marks or holding bracket or anything.
"I wish you hadn't done that," he said. "Why did you do it anyway, you
don't need lipstick on to shop and you've got a mirror your side, why
the hell twist the driving mirror round."
I knew I'd get the blame, I told him they were meant to twist weren't
they, I mean to adjust for different drivers. Then I said it was
probably all the bumps the car manages to find on the roads that had
shaken it loose. He told me not to be so ridiculous. I said well it's
done, are you coming inside? He said it was a bloody nuisance and would
have to be fixed. Well that was obvious.
We got the stuff we needed but driving out from the car park P took a
right at the roundabout instead of a left which would have taken us into
town. I asked him where he was going and he said to the garage he uses
to see if they could fix it. Pointless, I said, just phone them and take
it in whenever they can do it but P didn't see it that way, funny how
men can get so heated about their cars. He still hadn't gotten over me
using it in the first place and reminded a couple of times it was my
fault. It's less than ten minutes to the garage and P stopped and spoke
with the owner who he knows. He came over to the car and looked inside,
just one glance and out again shaking his head to P. He told him they
couldn't do it, the fixing disc had sheered away with the mirror and a
windscreen specialist would be best to fix it. He gave P a card from the
office with a name and number.
"See the trouble you've caused. So I've got to get a windshield company
to fix it. Ridiculous, I've never had this happen before in all the
years I've been driving."
"Bloody car," I said. I've never liked it.
Well that did it. We were only five minutes from where we live and P
just drove straight home. I knew what it meant of course, I was going to
get my backside warmed. I told him I'd pay for the repair but he said
that wasn't the point, it was the inconvenience and the stupidity and
'unnecessariness' of it, all because of my bloody lipstick. I told him a
girl's lipstick is part of her dress and the mirror must have been crap
anyway and would probably have fallen off on the motorway when he was
driving and how would he have liked that. Stupid German car.
We got home and P took me straight upstairs after dumping the shopping
in the kitchen. He must have been stacking up a few scalding phrases on
the short drive, he wouldn't have been happy with my attitude and I knew
I could have put things better but frankly I didn't want to, I like the
kind of spanking I knew was coming every now and again. When I know
he's genuinely pissed with me but I also know it won't drag on. So I
ended up across his lap in the office with my knickers dragged down to
my thighs getting my bottom reddened whilst my husband shouted the riot
act at me, what I should and shouldn't do, not caring about the damage
I'd caused, blaming the car, never taking responsibility lah - de - dah
etc etc. I argued back a bit but eventually gave up and took my medicine
then after several minutes struggling and squealing started saying
sorry and pleading with him to stop. He did finally but had to have the
last words.
"And don't you dare ever even think of putting your precious lipstick on in my driving mirror again! Understood?"
"Yes P. I'm sorry really I am." I think that's the part he really
likes. If he were a gorilla he'd be standing up beating his chest but
instead he just told me to put myself straight, whatever that means, and
he went off downstairs. A couple of minutes later he was back, I was
still in the office. He told me to get myself ready we were going into
town. I said what about the car.
"Oh I've just spoken with the windscreen bloke, he can't come for a
couple of days but he can definitely fix it and it will be good as new."
"You mean you can drive it, the loss of vision won't bother you, it's
legal not to have the mirror up?" I asked. He said yes to all that, no
"Then you spanked my bottom really hard for no reason?" I asked with a pout.
"Not at all. I had lots of reasons and I told you them while you were
over my lap. Do you need a reminder?" He patted my bum through my jeans,
it was sore and I winced. I didn't need a reminder, a trip to the
bedroom would have been welcome though. I didn't say that, I made do
with town instead.
The mirror hasn't been fixed yet but when the guy comes to do it I'll
make sure I pay if I'm around. Just to show him I do care and I do
Have a fun weekend.
Kuching - The Foto Dump
5 hours ago
I'm just curious. Don't they have a mirror in the sun visor on that German car? If not, it's not your fault at all... (either way)... I hate the ones on our new SUV. It has two bright lights and a big mirror for the ladies to use. ML is always pulling it down when I'm driving to adjust her lipstick and make up. I can't see out the side mirror because she's short and her seat is pulled up close to the dash. It drives me crazy because of all the blind spots the SUV have, I need to see out that mirror... On my car I removed the one on the driver side so she couldn't use it... She said I was being mean. She's lucky the SUV is hers, or that left side mirror would be gone too...😢
peace and love😉
Hi Ronnie,
Oh what a nuisance thing to have happen. It is funny how protective our men get over their precious cars lol. At least it got you a spanking and the problem can be fixed :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend:)
You should have been well trashed for touching the rear view for such nonsense.
Who knew those mirrors came off? Our cars both have mirrors on both sun visors, not that I ever use them, not being a lipstick wearer. But Ron would have been totally enraged if I'd ever done what you did!
Great Post Ronnie. This - ".... I knew I could have put things better but frankly I didn't want to, I like the kind of spanking I knew was coming every now and again." Yep. Isn't it the truth?!? :) ~~ shell
Who would have thought that the mirror would come off? Sorry that you got a spanking and glad that you got one too. It sure helps with putting things right again. Have a nice weekend.
who knew the mirrors come off... mind you it broke off right? and everything breaks....I might have suggested it was poor German workmanship (cheeky grin) but seeing as he bought a German car he might not have liked that (cheekier grin)
Have a good weekend
For some reason it's really nice to read about you getting a 'proper' spanking for something you've actually done wrong (though it was rather trivial, but I guess if it annoys the disciplinarian then there's nothing you can do about it :D )
LOL! Maybe this is why I don't wear make-up! Sounds like a wonderful reason and a great spanking. Sorry you missed that trip to the bedroom. Maybe next time.
I often do my makeup in the car when Harry is driving. I’m glad I use the vanity mirror, I had no idea the rear view mirror was connected to the glass. Harry doesn’t even let me hang the ferry tag on the mirror, I’d be in trouble if I broke it, thanks for sharing that Ronnie!
Rosie xx
Laughing at your story, Ronnie! You do make me giggle! Glad you got the spanking you wanted! Woo! Hoo! Love the comments, too..... Shell, who apparently likes that kind of spanking, too.... PK who is glad she doesn't wear make-up, and Rosie who is glad for the warning so she doesn't accidentally break her husband's mirror! hahaha You gals are hilarious! Great story! Hugs, Windy
I hate when things like that happen. You know it would have happened anyway but you just had it happen to you. I get lectured all the time that I don't take good care of things, la la la. I only get the lectures though, no spanking unfortunately.
No car mirror is ever meant to bend that way, as the person in that seat is not driving. Cindy would have been spanked if she did that in our car. Perfect solution by you being spanked, and longer than you would have liked.
As a safety point, it is extremely distracting when the person starts using the mirror on the passenger side, as it does block the vision of the mirror the driver uses, and it is movement where a driver does not expect, so eyes are drawn away from concentrating on driving.
You deserved to be spanked, and discipline spankings without sex makes them more effective. Plus, the inconvenience and cost. Might be a spanking after you get the bill.
bottoms up
We have a rear view mirror in our car that seems to pop off if you turn it slightly the wrong way - it goes back on just fine ... but not while driving - a pain in the arse if you ask me :>)) Frank would be happy to accommodate any putting on of makeup I might make ... although he prefers I've got it done before we leave the house :>))
As always, I got a laugh out of cheeky Ronnie ... vying for the type of spanking she wants ... and P falling for it the way he does every time ... you two are a hoot! ... nj ... xx
Ronnie, This would make a great scene in a Hollywood movie. How odd that the darn mirror fell off? And then, you two and your reactions. Hysterical, in a good way. Please send your stories to the film industry. We could use a good movie!
1MV - Yes it does and to be honest I am not sure why I used that mirror, never have before unless I am in the driving seat. Thanks.
Roz - Thanks. Yes luckily it can be fixed and wont cost too much.
Anonymous - I was spanked very well. Thanks.
Hermione - P was rather mad. I've never done that before. Thanks.
Shell - Boy sure is the truth. Thanks.
Blondie - I'll ask the man when he comes to fix it, if it could happen again. Thanks.
Morningstar - It broke right off and P was surprised that it did break. I hate that car:) Thanks.
QBuzz - It was silly of me to do that so I got spanked. Happy about it:) Thanks.
PK - We made ir to the bedroom later:) Thanks.
Rosie - I had no idea that they came off. I didn't full it around hard so I think there must have been a fault with it. So be warned, don't use that mirror. Thanks.
Windy - LOL. Those type of spankings are the best. Thanks.
SG - I would love it to have happened to P then maybe I could have spanked him:) Thanks.
Red - I was spanked. I think I'll ask the man when he comes to repair it if there was a fault on the mirror and if so it wasn't my fault really. It could have happened to P. Thanks.
NJ - So your mirror does come off. Maybe some do and some don't. I wont be using for my lipstick next time:) Thanks.
Amy - LOL. You are too kind. Thanks.
Hi Ronnie, :) Oh OUCH!!! That sounded like some spanking!! I totally get the part about not saying something, and needing and liking that kind of spanking every now and then. Something about a clean slate, and needs being met too.
Oh gosh that a mirror can pop off like that! Perhaps something was off with it? Rob would not have been happy either. I, like the others above, usually use the mirror on the visor for make up purposes, etc. I'll be sure not to ever turn the rearview one. Glad that things are back in order at your place. Happy that you both had a nice make up session! Many hugs,
❤️Katie xoxo
Ronnie: love how your devious mind is thinking. If there was a FAULT with the mirror, then you should not have been spanked. Thus, P should be spanked for his jumping to a conclusion without expert advice. HMMMM. Just saying that could get you another spanking, or you get to spank P. A win win situation.
bottoms up
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