Does anybody ever keep them? I've made loads in the past but
unfortunately never recorded them so I can't really look back and judge
myself. Some were probably frivolous anyway, especially those made in
the company of friends on top of several glasses of wine and in the
party atmosphere which surrounds the annual occasion. But one I made
this year, privately to my husband, and not verbally or indeed on NYE itself but a day later by Whatsapp. It got me spanked. Hard.
You see we bantered a bit about things we wanted to do in the year ahead
but that was all. P was supportive of a couple of the things I
suggested, I don't know if they'll happen, one was visiting the US which
appeals a lot to me but not so much to him because he doesn't like long
flights. Anyway next day we were apart and I got a message from him
saying it would be OK with him if I wanted to visit the US alone, I
think it was because he'd been talking with his brother whose girlfriend
travels between Colombia and the UK alone frequently and think nothing
of it. So I told him thanks and we'd see how things go (have a few other
things going on this year) He told me back that we have to make things
happen, not 'see how they go' which was for bystanders. Then after a few
minutes I messaged him again and told him something I intend to do in
the year ahead, something I have wondered about from time to time and
more recently read a lot more about: I told him I intended to spank him
this year. And added 'how's that for not being a bystander:)'.
I almost regretted it when I pressed send. There was no reply. I googled how to unsend a Whatsapp message, stupid I know.
When he got home a few hours later he told me he wanted to see me
upstairs, he'd got my message and he wanted to discuss it with me. I
asked if I should bring a cup of tea up but he said it wouldn't be that
sort of discussion. He wasn't at all cross looking, if anything I'd say
he'd been mildly amused by my message. So a few minutes later I followed
him upstairs, I guessed he'd be in the office for the type of
'discussion' he had in mind. Bedroom if it's sex driven, office if it's
'discussion' driven. He'd cleared some of his stuff to the side of the
desk and our razor strop lay on it. He was seated in the middle of our
futon. I went to draw the desk chair out to sit on and face him for our
discussion but he told me not to bother I wouldn't need it for our
discussion and he doubted I would want to sit on it after.
First he asked me if it had been a joke. I said plainly No.
"Unbuckle your belt then."
He asked me what had inspired me to make such an outrageous suggestion. I
told him it wasn't outrageous, lots of women did it, I see websites and
blogs all the time when researching my 'In-with-the-new' data, there
were more than ever. I put my hand on my hips waiting for a response.
"Don't stop, stud and zipper, and jeans off and be quick about it my
girl. If that's the sort of stuff you're looking at I think you need a
sharp reminder of who does the spanking in this household and always
I got my jeans off and kicked them aside. I told him I knew who did the
spanking I wasn't challenging his authority or anything like that, it
was just for us both to experience it properly.
"Over my knee, my girl, now! If that's the sort of subversive reading
you're doing you're way overdue a very sore bottom and if it carries on
after I'll have to consider restricting your time on the Internet."
OMG that did it for me, I gave him a mouthful about what he could and
couldn't do and stopping me - really STOPPING - me from doing anything I
truly wanted to do was a big no-no as he'd find out if he ever tried
doing it.
SPANK SPANK SPANK..."You'll do as you're told"...SPANK SPANK SPANK.."so
save your breath I don't want o hear any more of your nonsense." And he
pulled my knickers down to my knees and spanked away while I
remonstrated indignantly and wriggled futilely, objecting that he
couldn't order me around and I wasn't a child, using much un-unchildly
language which didn't help my case. My bare bottom was an inferno after
ten minutes of discussion. He stopped and asked me if I'd learnt my
lesson. I told him if he thought spanking my backside so hard that I
thought I'd lost feeling in it would alter my thinking then he had
another think coming.
"And don't you dare ever threaten me with restrictions again," I said.
"And I can assure you I won't do as I'm told," I added for good measure.
"I was afraid of that," said P. And he lifted me up from his lap and
took me over to the desk. "You really do need a sound lesson, don't
you," he said as he pushed me forward and told me to hold the far side
of the desk and not to let go until he told me I could.
He made me put my tummy down flat on the desk but then had to ask me to
raise it again because it was covering the razor strop. It made him seem
a bit silly and I almost laughed but I didn't feel like laughing when
the stropping started. And if I'd thought my bottom had been numbed the
razor strop soon convinced me that I'd been wrong. It stung like hell
even though I'm sure it wasn't the hardest ever and the right side of my
bottom got the worst of it because there wasn't room for him to strop
from both sides. So I was twisting away to the left and yelling out loud
and swearing at him all at the same time, I didn't care if people
outside could hear, not that I saw any passers-by but I knew many of our
neighbours had house-guests and was sure some might hear. Maybe they'd
think it was kids playing. I was pleading with him to stop eventually
and saying I was sorry repeatedly near the end, which of course I didn't
know was the end until it happened. Then it went quiet apart from my
panting and P's breathing as he relaxed from his efforts.
He told me to pull up my knickers and put my jeans back on. I stood and
pulled my knickers up with my back to him. I asked him to pass me my
jeans please and put my hand back for them, I remained looking out of
the window. I still didn't want to turn round. Neither of us had said
anything. He put my jeans onto the desk in front of me and then his
hands were on my shoulders and upper arms. Warm strong hands, I sniffled
my nose a bit as I felt them but resisted the urge to turn round and
bury myself in his chest.
"Now have you learned your lesson?" He asked softly. I said I had but
then I turned round and looked right up into his eyes, I didn't care if
they were watery.
"But I'm still going to spank you this year. And I really mean it." I
felt quite proud of myself for standing my ground. The only response I
got was "Hmmm", then he kissed my forehead and told me to come down
after I'd put my jeans on and calmed down. He said was going downstairs
to make some tea and he was away out of the office.
We didn't discuss at all what had happened. My backside was sore for
more than an hour. Later, in the evening, we had hot sticky unstoppable
sex in the lounge.
As for my resolution, well the year is very young.
Have a good week.
PS I did spank my husband many years ago, it was in fun, I wrote about
it. He didn't like it but he was hard after it, that may just have been
because he sensed sex in the air, I didn't know and still don't. Perhaps
I will by this time next year:)
A Frustrated Husband
7 hours ago
Hi Ronnie,
You were brave telling P you were going to spank him! Ouch, that sounded like one heck of a spanking and I love how it all ended.
Good luck with your resolution, it will be interesting to see if you succeed :) I have spanked Rick on the odd occasion for fun.
Oh well. He may change his mind one day. Have a good week. We are headed for Spain for a break.
Yikes! When you first mentioned that he laid the strop on the desk my thought was "Wow, he's going to let you give it to him good." Oops. I had the scenerio playing different in my head. :)
Glad to know it ended with some fun anyway. I'm going to be looking for Chapter-2 now all throughout 2019 until you make it happen! lol -- shell
Don't know what to say so I will not say anything.
What a brave girl to stand your ground in spite of everything.
I would steer clear of air travel to the US as long as the government shutdown lasts. Air traffic control and TSA are all working long hours for no pay - sounds dangerous to me!
Good for you standing your ground Ronnie.
When my wife and I were first married , like P , I did all the spanking , even though my behaviour was much more deserving of a spanking than hers.
Eventually she stepped up and announced that if she could be spanked then so should I.
Like P , my male pride made me resist her announcement even though I knew she was right.
Like you , she stood her ground and the tables did eventually turn to the point where she was the one doing all the spanking!
P's reaction is typical as he can see the dynamic is changing and his stubborn male pride is kicking in just like mine did.
I thought his reaction was way over the top and he should pay for it.
I predict it won't be long until he's feeling that strap on hus own behind....and you will enjoy every minute of it!
It is blogs like yours that finally this male was able to have his desire fullfilled. Knowing that other males or females wish to be spanked allowed me to come out. It took dating a few women before one just smiled and said was I sure I wanted a spanking. I assured her I did, and she said, her way, no matter where. The first time she had me take my pants off, and then my underpants. She scolded me, saying this is a part of a spanking, it was when I was told to address my erection I just looked. She sternly looked at me, first mistake, she addressed the erection and then over her lap. I was soon kicking, squirming, and saying enough. My way she said sternly and continued. Once I stood up she smiled and said is that what you wanted, not so hard, I will decided she said. We dated for another four months and then got married. The honeymoon was at a very nice coastal resort. That first night I stood in all my glory waiting for her to leave the bathroom, when she did, she was holding a hairbrush. First things first she said, over my lap, and I slowly did. The next morning at breakfast, I tried not to squirm, the waitress notice, did you fall she said, my wife said over my lap he did, just got married and we are starting from the bottom up. I tried not to look at the waitress and when we got back to the room, I asked why, wish for another spanking, no I said. We enjoyed the day, that evening she called her Mom and yes told her that I was spanked. I wanted to be spanked, but I also learned that it was her way and I have learned that lesson many times.
Well, you could have blown me down with a feather, Ronnie. Never thought I would hear this from you. Always thought the dynamic was just the way you wanted it. Then again, of all the bloggers I read, you are the most adventurous.
Sorry that the razor strop from across the pond was a star player in this story. But when I think of you visiting across said pond, I get a really big smile on my face.
Hi Ronnie, :) Oh wow! You sure did stand by your ground! That sounds like it was quite the spanking! You poor bottom!!
Every now and then I playfully pop Rob on the bottom, and he reminds me that he will always be the spanker around here. Same as P said. For some reason, I have a little feeling that you may get your wish one day. I will look forward to reading all about it.
Oh I SO hope that you come the the States to visit!! That would be so wonderful!!! My fingers are crossed! Have a good week. Many hugs and love,
❤️Katie xoxo
I'm proud of you, my girl! While I'm not into being the spanker myself, Nick long ago insisted he know how each implement feels. So I have 'spanked' him some. I think it's good for them to know. Some implements can be used both for fun and for discipline and some are pure evil. They need to know. Just present it as a lesson on spanking in general.
I really enjoy reading of your adventures, but do you have any sort of index of past posts?
Wow Ronnie. Like Bogey I am unsure as to what to say.
Wow - is the only word that comes to mind. Good for you for holding your ground.
A US visit - I'm excited.
Tread very carefully
Roz - A year's a long time so I have time:) Thanks.
Michael - Thanks. He may indeed. Have a good break.
Shell - LOL. That would have been good. Don't be looking too hard, I doubt if he will agree but we'll see. Thanks.
OBB - Thanks. Better not to then:)
Hermione - I wouldn't be travelling just yet. Thanks.
The Glenmore - Thanks for sharing. I don't think he will change his mind, but I will keep mentioning it.
Anonymous - Thank you. Happy you found the perfect lady to fulfil your wishes. Thanks for sharing.
Ella - Always expect the unexpected:) The razor strop will never be a favourite for me:) We'll see how the year goes. Thanks.
❤️Katie - Thanks. I've given the odd slap on his bottom but I would really like him to feel a real spanking. We'll see. Have a few things on this year so not too sure if I will make it across the pond.
PK - Thanks. I think it would be a good experiment then he would know what it felt like to be spanked properly. Thanks.
Anonymous - That's very kind of you to say. Thank you. No I haven't at the moment.
Yorkie - I didn't mean to shock you:) Thanks.
SG - I don't know what his objection is:)
Red - Of course. Thanks.
Great story! I hope you hold firm and get him over your knee. Role reversal is incredibly exciting and a lot of fun if he can just let go. The fact that he had an erection the first time is indicative -- a man about to get spanked won't get hard unless he (or his unconscious) finds it erotic. Have fun and I hope you get your trip.
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