Yep I got spanked, and it was unceremonious, un-provoked and un-sexy.
And although I was sort of glad it had happened by the end of the
evening when we'd all had a few drinks and general pleasant chit chat
had overtaken my resentment. I still wasn't talking properly with P and
in fact was sitting at the opposite end of the table from him so that it
didn't show. We were out with friends, a party of six, enough to
camouflage my feelings.
We'd started discussing Christmas arrangements about an hour before we
were due to leave for the restaurant, it had escalated to a difference
of opinion and then pretty much an argument about what we would or
wouldn't do and me taking a few things personally and digging my heels
in and refusing to partake in certain activities because they were in
the tradition of our daughter-in-law's family not ours and it seemed
weighted in their favour. P started out with logical reasoning, and in
retrospect was right, but ended up with a take-it-or-leave-it stance
which I didn't like. I told him there was no way I was giving in
and added there was no way he should even be talking to me like
that. I told him I wouldn't be coming out with him, he could go on his
own and make excuses. I got up to leave the room but he came after me
and pulled me across to the sofa.
He gripped me very firmly around my waist with his left arm and with his
right hand undid my belt and jeans. He yanked them down as far as he
could in that position and then sat down on the sofa taking me with him.
With two hands free he finished taking my jeans down followed by my
panties and just laid into me. The TV news was on and just as well
because I made quite a noise, I didn't want spanking, it wasn't funny it
wouldn't make me change my mind about Christmas.
Because I was yelling and threatening him to let me up or he'd regret it
(god knows what but that's what I said) he had to almost shout over me
and told me I'd get it harder if I didn't calm down. Well it's hard to
clam down when you're getting your backside scalded unfairly so I didn't stop struggling but I did try to keep my voice
down even though I meant every word I said, at least at the time. P got
the message across to me that he wasn't spanking me over Christmas but
about saying I wouldn't come out with him. He said that was childish and
I would be going out with him whether I liked it or not and I better
put my face straight and not let an atmosphere set in or else. A lot
more was said but I won't go into it, you get the idea.
When he stopped we had about twenty minutes left before we needed to
leave. He told me to pull my knickers and jeans up and go get changed,
brush my hair and do my face and not to make us late. I didn't say I
would but I left the lounge without saying a word and went upstairs,
bottom blazing and hating my husband at that particular moment. I knew I
was going to go with him though and it was an enjoyable evening
although when we parted company and found a taxi I sat on the far left
of the back seat with P on the right, whereas usually on the odd
occasion we take a taxi I would be snuggled against him.
I thawed out a bit overnight and reconsidered how we'd got into our
argument the previous evening. I hadn't been wrong but I might have been
wrong in the way I'd said things so I guess a spanking had been the
best way to deal with it at that time. We still need to talk though.
Have a good week.
She Wore It Around The House
7 hours ago
Hi Ronnie, I'm so sorry you and P found yourselves in this space. It's impossible to submit to a spanking when we feel it is undeserved and emotions are high. I'm glad it was an enjoyable evening though.
I hope you are able to talk through things and resolve the residual feelings.
Corrected an auto correct...
Keep up that communication Ronnie. Good communication and connection makes everything else so much better. You guys will work it out I'm sure, you're both quite clever.
Just think how much better the spankings and sex will be once you've reconnected. I can say with authority that it will be brilliant.
Make it a great Christmas. Hugs.
Ronnie, Christmas is such an emotional time, and there is always a need to compromise where two (or more) families are concerned. I hope you arrange things so that everyone had at least a little time together.
This male has been on the receiving end. I seem to never learn my wife saids. Going out after one of her spankings, no way can I not squirm. To make matters worse if she is asked if I got hurt, she proudly states yes he did, over my lap.
It is frustrating isnt it? Word choices and tone impacting a conversation. Add in holidays and it is a recipe for disaster. I am sorry it exploded on you.
Holidays are always a time when our emotions seem to be on red alert. Glad things are smoothed over a bit now.
When you have to wait for the spanking, an older lady I'm seeing decided that should get my attention. I must stand hands at side as she lowers my pants and underpants, always have a erection, she saids you wish. I just want it over with, she sits in her favorite chair, looks at a magazine, paper. She will then ask, you have been a naughty little boy, Yes Mam I say. Care to tell me why you did it, and I must explain. What happens to a naughty little boy? A spanking I say.
Very good she saids and standing up places a chair in the middle of the room. Oh I forgot something, and leaves the room to return with a large hairbrush. Once over her lap, glad to have it started, she waste little time and I'm soon kicking, squirming, pleading. Oh I'm just getting started and when she does finish I have kicked off my pants and underpants and dancing and rubbing. Oh I see your very limp. Face the wall I'm told and for a good half hour I face the wall. Going to be a good little boy, just to add to the punishment, I say yes. Why women make you wait, just get it over with.
Oh boy I get those emotional mine fields. Spankings have a way of making us mad and glad.... Even when we believe we are right.... they make things clear in ‘the end!’ Both sides.
Hope you guys talked it out later!
hope you were able to talk things through. Christmas can be a stressful time of year. Big hugs to you
Rosa & I have a policy of not proceeding with a genuine punishment until there's an understanding and relative agreement over what it's for and why it's deserved. Maybe that is something you might want to consider going forward? It would be a VERY frosty Christmas if the same thing happened here.
Hi Ronnie,
Hugs! That's a shame about the spanking. The holidays do bring around a whole bunch of emotions and stress at times, unfortunately. I can imagine it must be hard when you now have two adoring sets of grandparents. I hope that things go smoothly for you from here. Everyone has to figure it all out.
Your poor bottom! Hope that things are better with P. It stinks when you get up from a spanking, and don't feel refreshed, but annoyed. Hope that things are better, and that you are talking it out with P by now. Feel better! Many hugs and love,
❤️Katie xoxo
Roz - We've talked. Thanks.
Yorkie - Communication is everything, you are right. Thanks.
Hermione - We are getting there with arrangements. Compromise, yes. Thanks.
Anonymous - I'd die of embarrassment if P ever said anything like that in front of friends, but thankfully he never would. Thanks
Boo - Should think before opening ones mouth, but never do on some occasions. Thanks.
SG - They are, thanks.
Anonymous - Sounds like she knows what's she's doing. Thanks.
Minelle - All's well. Thanks.
Terps - I was in the wrong. Thanks,
kdpierre - That's a possibility. Thank you.
Katie - These things happen. All's well. Thanks.
Oh, dear. Christmas can be fraught when expectations differ. I’m late here, so I know all is well between you.
Rosie xx
The Heart and Soul of any relationship is the Female. In my marriage this is so true and I would have it no other way. My attitude got me my first spanking. Was not really nice to a grocery store person, the minute we got home I learned that was a mistake. To the bedroom young man and NOW and that tone had me doing what my wife told me to do. She closed the bedroom door, pulled a chair to the middle of the room. Over here young man and standing before her she lowered my pants and underpants, scolding me. Once over her lap that hairbrush made the point clear, very clear. Since then I watch my attitude, behavior, for she will not hesitate to properly warm my bare bottom and it does not matter where and who may see.
There have only been a couple of times that my wife has spanked me when I didn't fully agree about whether it was "deserved" or has dealt out a spanking that seemed more than the offense merited. But, unlike my friend KD, I don't really want there to be relative agreement. The fact is, the moment at which I most need someone to put up the boundaries and rein me in is also the moment at which I am probably least likely to think I need, want or deserve it. While it may suck at the time, giving up the control in those situations is part of what makes this kind of relationship attractive in the first place.
I think just about everyone one who is spanked at sometimes think the spanking was not appropriate, and not deserved. I know I have, and that is a consensually given right to spank us when our partner believes it is necessary.
Christmas is stressful, as you are very lucky that there are three families compromising, as bigger families have even greater compromises. Do try to remember it is you and P, Your dil's family, and then there is your son, his wife and the baby as a third family. in our case, two of the three children married have divorced parents, with their own new families. Then add in siblings of the other families, and some living in different parts of different countries.
We compromise that everyone of our kids and their family at our house one day, over the Xmas holidays, but which day is up to them to figure out.
Lastly, your pouty behavior that you have described afterwards should also be a reason to be spanked again, and you should ask P for one.
Both you and I have consented to be spanked, even when we feel we should not be spanked.
love and Merry Christmas
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