Monday, 30 July 2018

When to stop

Getting spanked, that is. It's a question I asked my husband on the weekend, Saturday morning to be precise, after we'd spent most of Friday evening and into the early hours at a hospital AE dept. Not getting treated for excessive spanking I must add, it was a bit of a knee jerk (P thinks) overreaction on the part of my doctor to some symptoms I reported to him earlier in the day and which he thought merited an urgent CT scan and AE was fastest route. Well fast it was not, but the job got done eventually and with a good outcome it seems.

So without going into all the detail my husband, who is not known for his patience and who is generally pretty logical, was seething by the time we finally got a verbal result on the scan...after many hours even though their scanning dept was empty and the technician said had been all evening, and then they wanted to do a routine blood test. P asked why and why wasn't it done earlier if it was routine, no satisfactory answer was given. P said well how long then, no satisfactory answer. P said would it be less than an hour or another five or six hours. A shrug and unable to estimate. So P said 'sod this, the scan was what we came for, it's done and it's ok', we both agreed to go. After some hurried exchanges, and with the doctor looking on as if we were criminals, I signed myself out.

Walking back to the car we were still discussing whether we'd been right or wrong. Then we got to the car and P realised he should have bought an exit ticket at a machine so he had to go back to the main building, a bit exasperated. We were both tired and hungry. In the car I started on again about maybe I shouldn't have walked out and P got a bit annoyed and told me to drop the subject for now, what was done was done, he'd had enough. I didn't drop it and he told me to stop or talk about something else or I'd be going to bed with a sore backside regardless of the ridiculous hour. That was when I said spanking hardly seemed an appropriate threat under the circumstances and I said I would shut up but not because of the spanking threat.

Then a bit later, thinking about the whole experience and some of the cases I'd seen in the hospital and people I'd spoken with, I said to P that thoughts of spanking paled into insignificance really, didn't he think? He thought about that and then put his hand on my knee and asked me what I was really saying, that I wanted to retire from spanking? Or put it on hold under certain circumstances? I said I didn't know, that was why I was asking his opinion. He didn't answer, just squeezed my knee.

It was too late to cook anything when we got home and we had no bread in the house for a sandwich so we went to bed on a few packets of crisps and a glass of wine.

Saturday morning, or I should say later Saturday morning, P was up way before me. He'd researched some stuff on the internet regarding my symptoms and he'd been in the garden cutting bushes back. He was making himself a cup of tea as I came down the stairs so he added one for me and told me what he'd been researching and that he'd mailed me a copy to read in my own time. I smiled and said ok thanks. I still had last night very much on my mind though and wanted to post-mortem it some more and I asked him if we could talk about it without him spanking me. I was serious! He just smiled and said of course we could and he wouldn't have spanked me hard anyway. Then he actually asked me if I'd prefer him to stop spanking me, to put a moratorium on it at sensitive times or even discontinue it completely. God, that made me think and I asked him if he meant that and did it mean he wanted to stop spanking me anyway.

"Not at all," came my nearest's robust reply, "in fact I honestly think a good spanking can be a great stress reliever but I have to hear you too." I just kissed his forehead.

He went back outside to finish his bushes. I did a few jobs and read his email and at lunchtime we went into town together. I told him in the car I didn't want him to stop spanking me, not even to suspend it, just to carry on being him.

"Ok no problem," he said. "And by the way, I shall be spanking you this afternoon for all the stress you caused me. Stopping spanking indeed..."

And he did, and more, and you know what he's right it definitely does relieve stress, doesn't it.

Have a good week.



an English Rose said...

Hi Ronnie, I hope you are okay now, what a scary experience you must have had. I can't imagine P. stopping spanking for long, he wouldn't be able to resist!
love Jan, xx

Roz said...

Hi Ronnie,

I have been awol from blogland lately due to tech issues and am just trying to catch up.

Gosh, I'm sorry you went through this, it is a worrying and stressful time and it seems nothing runs smoothly or quickly with hospitals. I hope it was simply a scare and that you are ok.

That's an interesting question, we all know spanking can tend to take a back seat when life becomes crazy busy or throws us curveballs. As Jan said, I can't see P stopping for long either.


Our Bottoms Burn said...

As you know our spankings are of two kinds, on request or I need to spank you. Either could be declined. That said, we think a conversation like you had is a good thing from time to time to see if anything has changed.

Hermione said...

Hi Ronnie,

I'm glad to hear that the scan showed you were okay and nothing to worry about. Emergency does seem to take hours but at least better than scheduling something in three weeks' time. Ron would have looked up symptoms online before we went anywhere.

Sometimes spanking simply must take a back seat to other, more urgent matters. But the desire usually returns in its own time.


Anonymous said...

Very delighted to know that you are well! Spanking does not enter the picture when dealing with health problems.

The idea of dropping spanking is not a good decision when both people desire and benefit from spanking. It definitely relieves stress, for both people.

We gently got back to spanking after my heart attack over five years ago, and used a heart monitor on my chest while a gentle spanking, and progressed to a real spanking without even getting into fat burning heart rate, let alone cardio. I guess dancing feet and squirming does little benefit to losing weight, unless the spanking is a weight loss regime.

Happy you were spanked before the day was done
bottoms up


NoraJean said...

Hi Ronnie I'm sorry to hear you had symptoms that were worrisome enough to take you to the ER. They are never fun places to go and the wait always seems to be hours. Happy for you that all is well in the end, including your spanking discussions with P. ... nj ... xx

Ella said...

Well, I guess I am glad to read about this urgent ER visit now that you know that everything is OK. It was a stressful situation. I know that health issues will always outrank spanking, but I think for people like us, we will reconnect as quickly as we can.

Reminds me of them telling you not to have sex for a while after you give birth. Then it is the only thing you can think of! Glad you are fine, my friend.

Hugs Across the Pond,

Rosie Jones said...

It’s so frustrating, all that hanging around and nobody keeps you informed of what’s going on. Better safe than sorry though. Glad you got a good result from the scan, that must have been a scary few hours.
Rosie xx

Minielle Labraun said...

ER docs, scary stuff. I am glad things are ok. I hope that worries stay away for you both! I’m the midst of our recent crisis.... sometimes spanking took a back seat and at others it was the glue connecting us

PK said...

I love the decision you both came to, but I want more information on your health too.

ronnie said...

Jan - LOL. That's true. Thanks.

Roz - Was quite stressful I can tell you. That makes me happy to think he would'nt stop. Thanks.

OBB - Yes to make sure you are both on the same page. Thanks.

Hermione - It was quite a shock to be sent to A&E. I got told off twice for walking the corridor and asking what was happening and when was I going to be seen. Thanks.

Red - But happy that spanking is there after and yes you were right to start gently after a heart attack. Thanks.

Nora Jean - Still waiting to hear from my doctor so keeping fingers crossed that all is well. Thanks.

Ella - LOL I remember that advice after having son. Yes reconnecting we did. Thanks.

Rosie - It was a nightmare there. I want the all clear from my doctor before I am totally happy. Thanks.

Minelle - I hope all's well with you. Thanks.

PK - The right decision. Waiting to hear from my own doctor. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hope all is well over there Ronnie.

All the best
