Friday, 8 July 2016

How long....

....should a good spanking last?

Watch the animation below

When it stops, you'll know how long a

good spanking should last

Keep watching!...keep watching.

...OK you're getting the idea:)

Sorry no writings this week as I've been a little busy.

Have a fun weekend.



Anonymous said...

I agree. A good spanking should last forever. :)
Unfortunately my lmits far exceed my wife's and I usually curtail the spanking before she gets too bored. I could lay across her lap forever...

Happy spankings


Hermione said...

What fun! I kept waiting for it to end. that would make a good April Fool's joke.


abby said...

LOL..I watched for a long time....I say about the time I am begging for a permission...
hugs abby

Dragon's Rose said...

How long should a good spanking last? Until I have gone limp and everything feels good. Even the burn on my backside.

an English Rose said...

Funny girl! But right, a very long time, :). Just watched Federer lose :(
love Jan, xx

Roz said...

LoL Ronnie, yep, a long time :)


Minielle Labraun said...

Definitely longer..... ;)

ronnie said...

Yorkie - I know that feeling:) Thanks.

Hermione - Yes definitely a good April Fool's joke. Thanks.

Abby - Yes I'd go for that. Thanks.

DRose - Oh yes definitely. Thanks.

Jan - Didn't see the match but heard he's lost, shame. I thought Raonic would be a tough opponent. So Raonic and Murray. Murry to win:) Thanks.

Roz - A long long time. Thanks.

Minelle - Longer the better. Thanks.

Terps - Me too. Thanks.


Lindy Thomas said...

I kept watching, very funny. I agree a long, long time. Never happens here though, wish it would.
Have a good weekend Ronnie.
Hugs Lindy

Ella said...

I always love to read your posts, Ronnie, but I must say I truly enjoyed this little video. Yes, a long, long time is my answer, as long as it is with the hand. The spankings with an implement are much different.
I say he is not paying enough attention to the other cheek. Doesn't the bible tell us to "Turn the other cheek?"

Hugs Across the Pond,

Rosie Jones said...

I agree with Ella, a long, long time for a hand spanking. I wouldn't like it all on one cheek.
Rosie xx

MrJ said...

Did P watch this?

Fondles said...

Lol, you're a cheeky one.

How long a spanking lasts on this end depends on how quickly either one or both of us get into such a horny worked up state that the sex must go on. and thats when the spanking (proper) stops. That is not to say, there isn't more spanking DURING the sex.

ronnie said...

Lindy - Be careful what you wish for:) Thanks.

Ella - You are lovely, thank you. Yes hand spanking can go on longer for me.

Rosie - Most of the Gifs I see are a one sided spanking. Thanks.

MrJ - No haven't sent it to him. Thanks.

Fondles - Spankings get me into a horny state:) Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Fun post, Ronnie! :) You had me there- sure went on and on! LOL! Nothing like a little technology to create the perfectly timed, and perfectly fun spanking! :)

Oh fur sure, I am all about a nice, long gg spanking... anytime! Fun post! Many hugs and love,

<3 Katie

ronnie said...

Katie - LOL. Glad you liked it. Don't get enough of long spankings.


Njspank said...

Nice tribute to the understated hand spanking

ronnie said...

Njspank - Yes indeed. Thanks.
