28-year old Work-From-Home wife. She and her husband lead a Domestic Discipline lifestyle. Here are snippets of their life together.
Kinky Comics
BDSM-Comics and random kinky stuff.
Besoin de Discipline Domestique
La fessée en couple (en Francais)
Domestic Discipline, Jenny Style
An unconventional journey to unimaginable fulfilment.
The Swat Box
Spanking- and Discipline-Related pictures and videos.
With Every Spanking
A marriage that uses domestic discipline to create harmony and peace that is natural and loving.
Megan Michaels
Writing happily ever after for stern, loving doms and their sassy, submissive women.
Rosie Cheeks x
Providing a grounded perspective on sex toys, bdsm and fetishes.
He met a woman who invited him into her world.
Strict Bitches
Discipline At Its Best – Administered By The Lovely Hand Of A Beautiful Lady.
The Headmaster
The headmaster is a lifestyle spanker and mentor top. He is sane, sensible friendly, very approachable, and strict but fair.
HOH Times
This site supports and encourages couples in traditional domestic discipline marriages.
If you have a new spanking orientated blog or spot one please let me know and send me the link.
Have a good week.
Thanks to Hermione for her input.
Picture from Red over at Consensual Spanking.
Thank you Ronnie. Welcome to blogland everyone :)
Thanks Ronnie. Welcome to blogland everyone.
Hugs Lindy
Good for you, Ronnie, to find so many new spanking blogs.
New blogs are popping up like the flowers blooming at this time of year. Thanks for the tips, Ronnie. It means so much to welcome new bloggers.
Hugs Across the Pond,
fun sites, thanks for sharing... so many ttwd sites, so little time.
bottoms up
Thanks for sharing, Ronnie! Will try to get around and visit as soon as I can.
Hugs and blessings...Cat
Thanks Ronnie for keeping us up to date. I'll try to get around to visit.
Roz I hope they get a lot of visits. Thanks.
Lindy. Thank you.
Hermione - Thank you. Back to searching for more.
Ella - Hopefully more soon. Thanks.
Red - I know we are all short on time. Thank you.
Cat - Thanks.
SG - My pleasure. Thanks.
Hi Ronnie thanks for including me. Glad to know you like the blog as I'm a fan of yours!
My pleasure, Rosie. Thanks.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for mentionning my blog in your list, even if I blog only by words et only in french. Love your blog. Greetings to the english speaking spanking community.
Thank you so much for recommending my blog. I've been having fun roaming around your today also!!
Isabella - My pleasure. Thank you.
Megan - You are welcome. Thank you.
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