Should that be one word? I don't think so, it should either be two words or hyphenated but I like it as one word. And I like it full stop. Or liked it, I should say, as it is in the past and, so far, a one-off so I can't really say 'like' because that would infer continuous, or ongoing, wouldn't it.
You see it happened to me, I know others have reported it happening to them too but it was a first for me, after so long being into spanking, and it was amazing. I've had little finger taps there before, as part of sex foreplay, but nothing like I experienced the other day. From a leather strap. In my husband's hand of course.
I was getting an afternoon spanking because the sun was shining (yes it's true that was his reason). So we stopped at the house on our way back from Stafford to the office and I was across his knee getting my bottom warmed in a way the sun can't do but my husband's hand does very well. He must have felt horny, I hadn't to be honest but I was getting there, I thought I'd get fucked and go back to the office for the last couple of hours with a sore bum and a big smile. It didn't go exactly like that.
My spanking, the hand part, stopped and a leather strap came into use, we have two short ones, it was stingy so I guessed it was the lighter of the two. After a few thwacks my knickers were yanked to my knees and the tempo increased, I was getting pretty aroused and alternating between pushing my bottom up for more, slut aren't I, and trying to grind against P's thigh on the down thrust. My legs were parting as I tried to shuffle nearer his knee, for better grinding you understand, we must have looked quite a sight me struggling to get a hard part of him against me as he struggled to keep me still so he could thrash me thoroughly. Then it happened his strap caught me between my legs, it was only secondary force, it had landed across my cheeks but low down and with all the struggling caught my pussy lips. I split second froze while my brain worked out whether I'd been hurt and then exhaled a deep and dirty sounding moan when I realised quite the opposite. Tiny sharp urgent electrical energy impulses were shooting through me and my hips resumed their rhythmic movements. The effect wasn't lost on my husband. He wrenched my knickers off completely to free my legs. He started talking dirty, 'You liked that you little slut didn't you', and my lascivious movements gave him his answer before my whimpered 'mmmmmm...christ...don't stop'.
He started hitting between my legs every few strokes, lighter than the bottom strokes, then increasing as his confidence grew with my guttural moans and increasingly urgent writhing. Then he started talking dirtier, 'You like having your little pussy whipped don't you, your wet little pussy,' Oh fucking hell P, what am I supposed to say I can hardly gather my breath or my thoughts just keep doing it, 'Im going to whip you harder you little slut, keep still while I whip your pussy lips until they're swollen like your naughty bottom' know the kind of thing, lovers small talk:)...............anyway it went on for a little bit longer and then he said he was going to hold my lips apart and start whipping my clit and then I screamed and came and he had to grip my waist really tight to stop me falling off his lap and he held me there like tight against him while I orgasamed stronger than I could ever remember. Oh god, what have you done to me P, I'm not the same woman. I was fucked but not in the sense I'd earlier thought. Totally drained.
It took several minutes, much back massaging and soft reassuring words before I'd recovered sufficiently to suck my husband's cock.
When we got back to the office I did have a grin, it was a satisfied one, the cat that got the cream and then some. We hadn't discussed what had happened and still haven't. I want to tell him what I'd experienced but I think he knew, I think he'd know not to use it too often. But definitely to use it. Then I can say I like it, being pussywhipped. Continuous, ongoing, but with discretion.
Maybe I'll link him this post.
Have a good week.
A Frustrated Husband
5 hours ago
Good for you!!!!
Simply delicious
I must admit, I was calling it a day when I saw Pussywhipped on my blog roll. I thought Ronnie wrote that of all people. So I rushed over to read what you had to say. I must admit, I was surprised and smiling as I read your post. Now I must ask you what P Surren asked me in my comments on my weekend post, "Lazy day" And I quote.. "You sure you're not one of 'us? She was talking about D/s. (And of coarse I started teasing her first.) I'm beginning to wonder about you. lol .....
Another great post Ronnie. And I have been reading your answers to our questions, they also were very good... :) :)
May peace still your soul
While Love beat in your heart
It's wonderful when something happens by accident and turns out great and leads to better things. Some say a climax is a climax. Not true, some are very hard and more satisfying.
I'm happy for you two.
Wow Ronnie, love how you told it. A verry happy accident :)
Definitely link him the post! He may know, but it never hurts to be sure.
Ahh....some surprises are the best this one! I react the same way...much to my initial surprise. Love the way you related it. hugs abby
It's always a nice surprise to find something out about yourself. I'm partial to a little between the legs spanking, but as you say, it's better if it's not too often.
See living another day brings new rewards. Here is Bacall's take on them.
Goodness, who knew that could be such a turn-on? I too was wondering about the title of your post, because it usually refers to a man who is dominated by a woman - aka henpecked.
Glad you two had such an amazing experience.
WOW... what a delicious story to read.. and to know you had such a wonderful exciting orgasm. Variety is the spice of life.... I think you should forward this post to P, with a few words of congratulations on taking the accident(?) to a wonderful conclusion... P is definitely a wonderful man, taking the initiative in spanking you whether you are in the mood or not, because it definitely puts you in the mood when you are being spanked.
bottoms up
Sounds like a hot experience! :-)
wow wow and more wow. I was just thinking (as I was clicking to come over here) that I should stop by your blog because i love all your posts. and true enough, you did not disappoint. that was awesome!
Wow indeed!
And - did you link him?
I have always found it to hurt but Ty hasn't ever spanked my clit on purpose. Maybe if he intended t, I might enjoy. I don't know though. You may be braver than me
WOW Ronnie :)
Wow Ronnie. You really got into that whipping and right over the edge into nirvana. Good for you.
Pussywhip? Isn't that a dessert topping for cats? ;-)
Wow Ronnie...just...WOW!
SG - It was:) Looking forward to hearing about your trip to Vegas. Thanks.
Meredith - I thought so:) Thanks.
1ManView - And what do you think, am I:) Thanks.
Archedone - Oh, yes I agree Archedone. Some are so more satisfying and rewarding than others. Thank you.
Roz - Happy indeed. Thanks.
PK - Good to see you back. Hope you had fun. Thanks.
Abby - That was a surprise but yes a good one. Thank you.
DF - I'll look forward to the next one. Thanks.
OBB - I'll be over to read. Thanks.
Hermione - Yes you are right. Hadn't thought of that when I wrote the title.
Red - And you're never to old to try new things. Thanks.
Terps - It was and one I wouldn't like repeated. Thanks.
Fondles - Kind of youi to say. Thanks.
MrJ - No, not yet or maybe I wont, not sure. Thank you.
Blondie - Don't know about being brave. I've always enjoyed the little fingers taps down there, this was different and very exciting. Thank you.
KG - Thanks:)
Baxter - Hopefully the next time will be just as powerful. Thank you.
Smuccatelli - Possibly:) Thanks.
Cat - Wow indeed. Thank you.
Nice that he has now added pussywhipping to your lifestyle. I wonder when you will be pussywhipped again and how often he will be pussywhipping you in the future.
Wow Ronnie, what an afternoon, you will be chrossed this week for sure!!I say link P. the post, you go girl
love Jan.xx
Delicious! I'm crazy about being pussy whipped, too. :)
FD - Wouldn't want it on a regular basis but look forward to the next time. Thanks.
Jan - You were right, I was:) Thank you.
Renee - I am now:) Thanks.
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